100 million years after the world and the universe (Fangruida)//世界と宇宙の1億年後(ファングライダ)




100 million years after the world and the universe ,  the "super-human", "super-species", "super-spin", "super universe" ------- natural material will eventually extinction end it?(Fangruida)

 100 million years after the world and the universe、


100 ans après le monde et l'univers


The vast universe provides astronomers with endless possibilities for observation and research. Who can imagine, bright stars are constantly away from us, one day will always disappear? However, Nobel Prize winner Brian Schmidt pointed out that this is what is happening - the universe will eventually dissipate.

"100 billion years later, in addition to our Milky Way, all the galaxies will be dissipated, people see the universe will be empty.

The basis of this deduction is to make Schmidt won the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics, a major discovery - the universe is accelerating expansion. 100 million years, 500 million years, 100 million years, or astronomical, 20 billion light-years, 500 billion light-years, the solar year and so on, in fact to 100 million years for the sector, basically can detect the future nature The world and the human world.

100 million years, 100 million years, two hundred million years later, the world will become like? Many theories believe that 500 million years later, the Earth re-enter the ice age, the drift of the African continent and Europe integration, the Strait of Gibraltar this closed, and the Mediterranean due to lack of rainfall in the ice age has become dry, North America became a drought Deserted desert. Most of the Nordic region has become a vast ice sheet, in groups of cotton wool mice and snowmilk secret mammal 5000000 years later, the tropical rain forest has become a arid savanna. One hundred million years later, the Antarctic continent drifted northward to the warm waters, forming a dense tropical rain forest in the northern region. One hundred million years later, the sea level rose nearly 100 meters, and the shallow sea covered most of the land. Sunlight direct river bed, creating a rich and active ecosystem. Two hundred million years later, there is only one continent on earth, which means only one ocean --- global ocean. Central China is the long desert, the temperature difference between day and night up to 50 degrees. In the northwest corner of the supercontinent, there is a vast stretch of tropical rain forest thousands of kilometers,

For the evolution of human scientists are now divided into two kinds of views. According to evolution, we rarely use the organ will slowly degenerate, as we are now the small toes, appendix. So our head will be great after the body is very small. More developed brain, increased cerebellar cerebellar cells. Human evolutionary variation.

1 million years after the "superhuman", "super-species", "super-spin", "ultra-universe" ------- natural material will eventually extinction?

Since the birth of mankind, science, philosophy and religion, mythology, social sciences and other theoretical doctrine after another, abound. The most aroused widespread concern is:

(1) the evolution of mankind, where humans come from, and where to go?

(2) - the material nature of the universe, species?

(3) the basic structure of the material - the basic particles, particles of God and so on.

(4) the structure of the universe, evolution and the whole story.

These studies, many academic books, found a lot of major, not listed here one by one.

In particular, this paper emphasizes "super", clearly different from the general scientific terms and keywords extended value.

Modern science and technology and the rapid development of human society, to bring great surprises and worries. Mankind enters the moon, enters Mars, enters more distant planets and celestial bodies, infinite universe unfolds in front of us. The existing human vision, however, 20 billion light years - the total galaxy. In fact, the total galaxy in addition to how, is still unknown. Mankind is confined to the Earth, the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, etc., to reach the solar system, to reach the Galaxy is probably very far away.

Science is to explore, is to study, and empirical experiments in the verification. Especially on the universe, life, human, particle, gravitational field, and so on to explore more profound and complex, and thus inevitably a variety of flaws and errors are inevitable. Mathematical theorem and scientific theorem, etc., in the real world, the solar system is widely used, but outside the solar system, in the Milky Way, outside the galaxy is still accurate, people can not be absolutely sure or negative. From Newton's classical mechanics, to Einstein's, Schrödinger's quantum mechanics, relativity, and so on, it is clear to show and prove that the development and change of physics. Human beings understand the deepening of the natural world. From geology, astronomy, biology, is also true. Human awareness and exploration is endless. For example, dark matter, antimatter, black holes, gravitational fields, particle and particle populations of God, star explosions and phagocytosis, and so on, some research is progress, some are still very difficult and confusing the stage of ignorance. Even if humans landed on Mars, not all of a sudden it will be very complicated and profound esoteric natural science code decipher. Natural science research is not absolute denial, scientific hypothesis, scientific conjecture and the like, but also need a large number of scientific research evidence and empirical support, otherwise, in the beautiful doctrine theory will become a soap bubble.


# 1110000 years after the human: a variety of evolution and genetic variation, human gradually evolved into "super-human"


#2. As long as the natural universe exists, species or "super-species" will exist or appear.


#. 3. The basic structure of the natural universe, the basic structure of the system -: super-spin, super spin, super-spin, super-spin is the natural universe to maintain the foundation and basic structure. The presence or absence of matter. The permanence of matter or the interstice of matter?


# 4. The most concern and study of human is: the end of the universe and the universe through. Indeed, the universe is destined to destroy the human, even if the immigration to the moon, Mars, Jupiter, and even the Milky Way Galaxy can not escape biological extinction. Everything is destroyed, everything will be gone. Of course, this is a human - the universe must destroy extinction theory, worthy of study.

#. 5. The extinction of life is not absolutely equal to the extinction of species, but not absolutely equivalent to extinction. The connection and separation between them is quite complex.

#. 6. Human life is but one of the surviving species in the natural universe and does not absolutely exclude the presence of similar or other special species in the universe. This is the natural philosophy and natural science exploration of the key. In other words, even if there is no human and biological world, the natural universe still exists. This is the two most critical basic proposition. Of course, the antithesis is self-evident: if there is no high-wisdom human existence, all the arguments will become meaningless.


# 7. The homogeneity of the universe, heterogeneity.

#8.. Universe and matter, matter and universe. The universe without matter and the material without the universe are not there. The Whole Process of Material and Unification of Universe.

# 9. Human Existence and Species Survival.

# 10. The universe is not eternal, the planet is not eternal, but the material after the destruction does not mean that the material completely extinct. Substance conversion. On the immortality of matter? After the silence of the universe, forever silence; material extinction, the material from the origin began to produce movement. . . . . . . The new universe? ??

# 11. Nature - the universe is always present in change. All life activities have nothing to do with this, nor any decisive influence. On the contrary, the natural universe determines the existence of human beings and all life.

# 12. Humanity in Time, Occasion and Necessity. The existence of material contingency and necessity, the existence of species contingency and inevitability.

# 12. Cosmic model, particle structure, matter. . . . . . The benchmark for natural science. Research on this issue to explore a lot of practice, perfect theory is not absolute. In fact, the human exploration and research has not reached an absolute height, in urgent need of further deepening and exploration. -


In summary, nature, material, universe, species, life, human, time, space, destruction or survival. . . . . . Natural scientists in the exploration, anthropologists, sociologists are also exploring, religious philosophers are also exploring. The answer is definitely negative: what is necessary and possible, if all is to be destroyed, for all the efforts and struggles of mankind's present and future? ?? So, the human landing on the moon Mars what is necessary and hope? . . . . . . . Is not mankind self-reassuring self-consolation? So, scientists can not help but question the cosmology, physics, biology, astronomy and so on the basic theory and research, whether there is some kind of missing or flawed? Such problems, specious, inconceivable. This requires scientists and sociologists to interpret.



--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Enc:Professor Fang Ruida Contact Email:Professor Fang Ruida Contact Information E-mail (academic exchanges, technical transactions and other contact information, or others transit contact, e-mail address for reference, specific contact other contact information)




Prof. Fang Ruida Contact Details E-mail (academic exchange, technical transactions and other contact methods, or other transit contact, e-mail address for reference, specific contact other means) foreign part, domestic part of the mailbox, for reference only.





"超人間"、 "超種"、 "超スピン"、 "超宇宙" -------天然物質は最終的に消滅するでしょうか?(ファングロイダ)

この控除の根拠は、シュミットが2011年ノーベル物理学賞を受賞させることです。これは、宇宙が拡大を加速しているという主要な発見です。 100万年、5億年、100万年、または天文学、200億光年、5000億光年、太陽年など、セクターのために実際には1億年に、基本的に将来の自然を検出することができます世界と人間の世界。
1億年、1億年、2億年後、世界は同じようになるでしょうか?多くの理論は、5億年後、地球は再び氷河期に入り、アフリカ大陸とヨーロッパの統合のドリフト、ジブラルタルの海峡は閉鎖され、氷河期の降雨不足による地中海は乾いていると信じています北アメリカは荒廃した砂漠になった。北欧地域の大部分は広大な氷床となり、綿毛の群とスノーミーク秘密の哺乳類群で500万年後、熱帯雨林は乾燥したサバンナとなった。 1億年後、南極大陸は暖かい海に向かって北向きに漂流し、北部地域に熱帯雨林を形成しました。 1億年後、海面は100メートル近く上昇し、浅い海が大部分を覆った。日光直下の河床で、豊かで活発な生態系を作り出しています。 2億年後、地球上には1つの大陸、つまり地球規模の海だけが存在します。中華人民共和国は長い砂漠で、昼と夜の気温差が50度までです。超大陸の北西には数千キロメートルの広大な熱帯雨林があり、
"超人間"、 "超種"、 "超スピン"、 "超宇宙" -------天然物質は最終的に絶滅するだろう?
(2) - 宇宙、種の物質的性質?
(3)材料の基本的な構造 - 基本的な粒子、神の粒子など。
現代の科学技術と人間社会の急速な発展は、大きな驚きと心配をもたらす。人類は月に入り、火星に入り、より遠くの惑星と天体に入り、無限の宇宙が私たちの前で広がります。しかし、既存の人間の視覚は、200億光年 - 銀河全体です。実際には、方法に加えて、全体の銀河は、未知のままです。人類は太陽系に到達するために地球、月、火星、木星などに閉じ込められ、銀河に到達するのはおそらく非常に遠いです。
Sekai to uchū no 1 okunengo 



黒い穴、重力場、神の粒子や粒子の集団、星の爆発や食作用など、いくつかの研究が進んでおり、未知の段階はまだ非常に困難で混乱しています。たとえ人間が火星に着陸したとしても、突然それが非常に複雑で深遠な自然科学の解読コードになるわけではありません。自然科学の研究は、絶対否定、科学的仮説、科学的推測などではなく、科学的研究の証拠と経験的支援の多数を必要とする、そうでなければ、美しい教義理論では石鹸の泡になる。 #1110000年後の人間:様々な進化と遺伝的変異、人間は徐々に "スーパーヒューマン"#2に進化した。自然界が存在する限り、種や「超種」が存在するか、現れる。 #。 3.自然宇宙の基本構造、システムの基本構造 - :スーパースピン、スーパースピン、スーパースピン、スーパースピンは、基礎と基本構造を維持する自然な宇宙です。物質の有無。問題の永続性または問題の隙間? #4。人間の最も懸念と研究は、宇宙の終わりと宇宙の終わりです。実際には、月、火星、木星、さらには銀河系への移住が生物学的絶滅を免れることはできないとしても、宇宙は人間を破壊することになっています。すべてが破壊され、すべてがなくなります。もちろん、これは人間です - 宇宙は研究の価値のある消滅理論を破壊しなければなりません。 5.生命の絶滅は種の絶滅と絶対的に等しいわけではなく、絶対的に絶滅に等しいわけではない。それらの間の接続と分離は非常に複雑です。 6.人間の生命は、自然界の生き残り種の一つに過ぎず、宇宙における類似の種や他の特殊種の存在を絶対に排除するものではありません。これは鍵の自然哲学と自然科学の探究です。言い換えれば、人間や生物の世界がなくても、自然の宇宙はまだ存在しています。これは、最も重要な2つの基本的な命題です。もちろん、対立は自明である。人間の存在が高知恵でなければ、すべての議論は無意味になるだろう。 #7。宇宙の均質性、異質性。#8 ..宇宙と物質、物質と宇宙。物質のない宇宙と宇宙のない物質はそこにありません。宇宙は永遠ではなく、惑星は永遠ではありませんが、破壊後の物質は物質が完全に消滅したことを意味するものではありません。物質変換。問題の不滅について?宇宙の沈黙の後、永遠に沈黙。起源からの物質は動きを作り出し始めた。 。 。 。 。 。 。新しい宇宙? ?#11。自然 - 宇宙は常に変化の中にあります。すべての生命活動はこれと何の関係もなく、決定的な影響もありません。それどころか、自然の宇宙は、人間とすべての人生の存在を決定します。#12。時間、機会、必要性の人類。重要な不測の事態と必然性の存在、種の不測の事態と必然性の存在#12。宇宙モデル、粒子構造、物質。 。 。 。 。 。自然科学のベンチマーク。多くの練習を探求するこの問題に関する研究、完全な理論は絶対的なものではありません。実際、人間の探査と研究は、深化と探検の緊急の必要性において絶対的な高さには達していない。 - 要約すると、自然、物質、宇宙、種、人生、人間、時間、空間、破壊または生存。 。 。 。 。 。探検、人類学者、社会学者の自然科学者もまた探検しており、宗教哲学者も探検している。答えは絶対に否定的です。人類の現在と未来のすべての努力と闘いのために、すべてが破壊されるならば、必要かつ可能なことは何ですか? ??だから、人間が火星に着陸して、必要と希望は何ですか? 。 。 。 。 。 。 。人類は自己慰めの自己慰めではありませんか?だから、科学者たちは宇宙論、物理学、生物学、天文学などに根本的な理論や研究に疑問を投げかけることはできません。このような問題は、大したものではありません。これは科学者と社会学者が解釈することを必要とする。 -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ Enc:Fang Ruida教授連絡先Email:Professor Fang Ruida連絡先E -mail(学術交流、技術取引、その他の連絡先情報、その他の連絡先、参照用の電子メールアドレス、特定の連絡先の他の連絡先情報)fangda337svb125 @ gmail.com、fangruid4407 @ gmail.com、fangruida389 @ gmail.com Fang Ruida連絡先の詳細Eメール(学術交流、技術取引およびその他の連絡方法、または他の中継連絡先、rのEメールアドレス




Fang Ruida image data. Fang Ruida (1950-), scientist, philosopher, writer, thinker, religious scientist, astronautologist, economist, painter, educator, anthropologist, sociologist, Fang Ruida doctrine and many classical works, Aerospace technology Mars technology, a major research on the cutting-edge technology of Mars, the new high-speed heavy-duty twin-engine rocket inventor. These are FangRuiDa precious image data. Descendants can see such as its people, such as smell their appearance, true image, with great historical value and collection value.





Fangruida quotes/Standing on Mars or the Moon Mountain, far overlooking the blue earth, indeed, mixed feelings, thoughts of thousands. From animals to super-intelligent humans, this leap and change, make people shudder. You stand on the Earth Everest overlooking the moon, Mars or Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, etc., feel their own small and great universe; Beautiful and magnificent incomparable. This is not just the astronauts of the perception, nor is the painter of the mythical reverie poet, but the reality of the real nature of the world. Only when you are completely immersed in the arms of nature can you truly feel the realness of life and the universe....


The most solemn and great philosophy of nature (Fangruida) -自然の最も厳粛で偉大な哲学(ファングロイダ) --------------------------------------------------



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The most solemn and great philosophy of nature (Fangruida)

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The world is beautiful, nature is more beautiful and spectacular. If there is a second life, everything from the beginning of the moon or everything from Mars to start their own life course.




People often think that the world is only the most lovely earth, in fact, for tens of thousands of years and even hundreds of millions of years and hundreds of billions of years of space and billions of light-years of space, the Earth is indeed too small and small, insignificant, unbearable one strike. Outside the earth, there is a more ideal land of freedom. From this understanding, human history is only a drop in the ocean. True eternal things are only natural universe, regardless of birth or destruction, nature will always exist, immortal.




Historians and geologists in the past often confined to the vision of a very narrow space-time, not knowing that the universe and the vast expanse of celestial bodies far beyond people's imagination and calculation. In other words, regardless of the existence of human society, this is not affected by the evolution of the natural universe. Therefore, this is undoubtedly very different from the traditional theory and doctrine, and even run counter to.



The natural and social attributes of mankind will always exist, and will not be separated. Only the high-level wisdom of life animals and holy natural universe harmony in one, this man will fully reveal his wisdom, great, brilliant and rational existence. Whether on earth, on the moon, on Mars, on Jupiter, or on other planets.

火星や月の山に立って、青い地球をはるかに見下ろしていますStanding on Mars or the Moon Mountain, far overlooking the blue earth/Fangruida

Standing on Mars or the Moon Mountain, far overlooking the blue earth, indeed, mixed feelings, thoughts of thousands. From animals to super-intelligent humans, this leap and change, make people shudder. You stand on the Earth Everest overlooking the moon, Mars or Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, etc., feel their own small and great universe; Beautiful and magnificent incomparable. This is not just the astronauts of the perception, nor is the painter of the mythical reverie poet, but the reality of the real nature of the world. Only when you are completely immersed in the arms of nature can you truly feel the realness of life and the universe....



Стоя на Марсе или Луне горы, недалеко от с видом на голубую планету, на самом деле, есть смешанные чувства, мириады мыслей. От животных к сверхчеловеческой мудрости, и по всей этой великой перемены, люди с содроганием. Вы стоите с видом на горы Эверест на Земле Луны, Марса или Венеры, Меркурия, Юпитера и т.д., от их собственной незначительности и почувствовать большую вселенную, а, наоборот, стоять на вершине Луны или Марса, обзор планеты, на самом деле пришел к выводу, что на земле очень красивый и великолепный. Это не только восприятие космонавтов, ни поэт, художник сказочные грезы, но реальность истинной природы мира. Только полностью подвергание объятия природы, вы можете реально ощутить понять истинный смысл жизни и Вселенной.



Debout sur Mars ou les montagnes de la Lune, loin de vue sur la planète bleue, en effet, ont des sentiments mitigés, une myriade de pensées. De l'animal à la sagesse surhumaine, et à travers ce grand changement, les gens tremblent. Vous vous tenez avec vue sur le mont Everest sur la Terre de la Lune, Mars ou Vénus, Mercure, Jupiter, etc., à partir de leur propre insignifiance et se sentir grand univers, au contraire, se tenir debout sur le dessus de la lune ou Mars, la revue de la planète, vraiment venu à réaliser que la terre très belle et magnifique. Ceci est non seulement la perception des astronautes, ni poète, peintre fabuleuse rêverie, mais la réalité de la vraie nature du monde. Seulement complètement l'exposition à l'étreinte de la nature, vous pouvez vraiment sentir comprendre la vraie signification de la vie et de l'univers.




, मंगल ग्रह या चंद्रमा पर्वत पर स्थायी दूर नीले ग्रह अनदेखी से, वास्तव में, मिश्रित भावनाओं, विचारों की एक बहुत बड़ी संख्या है। सुपर मानव ज्ञान के लिए जानवरों से, और इस महान परिवर्तन के पार, लोगों को कंपकंपी। आप पृथ्वी पर माउंट एवरेस्ट पर चंद्रमा, मंगल या शुक्र, बुध, बृहस्पति, आदि अनदेखी खड़े हो जाओ, अपने स्वयं के निरर्थकता से और महान ब्रह्मांड लगता है, पर इसके विपरीत, चंद्रमा या मंगल ग्रह, ग्रह समीक्षा की चोटी पर खड़ा है, वास्तव में महसूस करने के लिए पृथ्वी को आया बहुत ही सुंदर और शानदार। यह सिर्फ अंतरिक्ष यात्रियों की धारणा नहीं है, न ही कवि, चित्रकार शानदार मन की लहर है, लेकिन दुनिया की वास्तविक प्रकृति की वास्तविकता है। केवल पूरी तरह से प्रकृति के गले के लिए जोखिम है, तो आप वास्तव में जीवन और ब्रह्मांड के सही अर्थ समझ महसूस कर सकते हैं।


De pie en Marte o en las montañas de la Luna, lejos de vistas al planeta azul, de hecho, tienen una mezcla de sentimientos, una miríada de pensamientos. De los animales a la sabiduría sobrehumana, ya través de este gran cambio, la gente se estremece. Se pone de pie con vistas a Monte Everest en la Tierra a la Luna, Marte o Venus, Mercurio, Júpiter, etc., a partir de su propia insignificancia y siente gran universo; por el contrario, están por encima de la luna o Marte, la revisión planeta, realmente se dio cuenta de que la Tierra muy bello y magnífico. Esto no es sólo la percepción de los astronautas, ni poeta, pintor fabuloso ensoñación, pero la realidad de la verdadera naturaleza del mundo. Sólo por completo la exposición al abrazo de la naturaleza, se puede sentir realmente comprender el verdadero sentido de la vida y el universo.


واقفا على سطح المريخ أو جبال القمر، بعيدا عن يطل على الكوكب الأزرق، في الواقع، لديهم مشاعر مختلطة، عدد لا يحصى من الأفكار. من الحيوان إلى حكمة فائقة الإنسان، وعبر هذا تغيير كبير، والناس قشعريرة. أنت تقف تطل على جبل ايفرست على الأرض والقمر والمريخ أو الزهرة، عطارد، المشتري، وما إلى ذلك، من التفاهه الخاصة بهم ويشعرون الكون العظيم، بل على العكس من ذلك، يقف على رأس القمر أو المريخ، واستعراض الكوكب، جاء حقا أن ندرك أن الأرض جميلة جدا ورائعة. هذه ليست مجرد تصور رواد الفضاء، ولا شاعر، رسام خيالية رائع، ولكن واقع الطبيعة الحقيقية للعالم. فقط التعرض تماما إلى أحضان الطبيعة، يمكنك أن تشعر حقا فهم المعنى الحقيقي للحياة والكون.

火星や月の山に立って、青い地球をはるかに見下ろしています。 動物から超インテリジェントな人間まで、この飛躍と変化は、人々を震えさせます。 あなたは月、火星や金星、水星、木星などを見下ろす地球エベレストに立って、自分たちの小さな偉大な宇宙を感じます。 美しく、壮大な比類のない。 これは、知覚の宇宙飛行士だけでなく、神話的な幻想詩人の画家でもなく、世界の本質の現実です。 あなたが完全に自然の腕に没頭しているときだけ、あなたは本当に生命と宇宙の真実を感じることができます....(Fangruidaの引用)

Stehend auf dem Mars oder dem Mond Berge, weit weg von den blauen Planeten mit Blick auf, haben in der Tat, mit gemischten Gefühlen, eine Vielzahl von Gedanken. Von Tieren zu übermenschliche Weisheit und über diese große Veränderung, Schauder Menschen. Sie stehen mit Blick auf den Mount Everest auf der Erde den Mond, Mars oder Venus, Merkur, Jupiter, usw., aus ihrer eigenen Bedeutungslosigkeit und große Universum fühlen, im Gegenteil, stehen oben auf dem Mond oder Mars, der Planet Kritik kam wirklich, dass die Erde zu verwirklichen sehr schön und großartig . Dies ist nicht nur die Wahrnehmung der Astronauten, noch Dichter, Maler fabelhafte Träumerei, aber die Realität der wahren Natur der Welt. Nur vollständig Exposition gegenüber der Umarmung der Natur, können Sie wirklich das Gefühl, die wahre Bedeutung des Lebens und des Universums zu verstehen.


Starante sur Marso aŭ la Luno Montoj, for de preteratentanta la blua planedo ja havas miksitajn sentojn, miriado de pensoj. De bestoj por la super-homa saĝo, kaj trans tiu granda ŝanĝo, homoj tremas. Vi staras preteratentante Ĉomolungmo sur Tero la Luno, Marso aŭ Venuso, Merkuro, Jupitero, ktp, de siaj propraj sensignifeco kaj sentas grandan universon, male, staras sur la luno aŭ Marso, la planedo revizio, vere venis al rimarki ke la tero tre bela kaj grandioza. Tiu ne estas nur la percepto de la astronaŭtoj, nek poeto, pentristo fabela revadon, sed la realeco de la vera naturo de la mondo. Nur tute ekspozicio al la brakumo de naturo, vi povas vere sentas kompreni la veran signifon de la vivo kaj la universo.

natural science research papers(Fangruida)

Research papers:physics,cosmology,medicine,biology,geography,etc./copyright.

Medicine, physiology, news. etc.





The Brain's cybernetics."life-BODY-FIELD"and STAAINING THEORYS.



In this paper we disscution about medicine,physiology,news,etc also for research

that's laws, rules and specific nerve-mations.


we poiut out that important laws and other studied-results from many Tests,and

then them are very widdly using using us works. Such as chaning flow dyos


pigmentatior, life rigxi liviry-domain nature language-substance, etc.


BME.Gene cell, physics-chemirsty KEY WORDS important derived-words,etc,ibid> slk-



wave-particles, field, shoave.bunch.shock-degrreeor. cone

structure of spiral


Gene.engineering.molecular biology,microbiolgical assiyeg steps,stain,brain-model,etc.

Carrier of heredity

E potention-sides


control volume of threschold news keep

cross changing way

pump and brabn-chainning


left liemispsere functional, right, remispre over pont, dye-roadu jsting

First releast.


keep, charge nogative-links R-R


double hlix


mathematical logic ways

nature Tong substance

Language Tong-Substance


diareter-pathfe.g operator, operator, polycistronic messgenger, lnformofers, Informosomes,


Genotype, complemenary base sequence, etc]




H-sbs in semi-solueht-ground substonle double-cross hypermetamd-substarce


life rigs zy. zyz H-SBS in semi-soluent-ground substance


life fields-bodydouble-cyoss hypermetamor-substance


wrog path guide-lines


or thogrhal-line




unaholish derelokpty




pass or sit


Stop thrsnold




dyes pigmentation


many phrase-lines of tunrel links.


single.double.many trace-filk




fold-shadow to plant


Electrode of refrexarc


Changing- flowing


dye-fassion structure plait








Base pailing-central dogma-ground state-initial state-Intermediate state-end state(modal



(computer's modal / tool hoxs/ naple / vc/ matlab/ )


(soft wake's programming)omited


Experiments,Mattirals and methods


( 1 )The model of brain for special-COMPUTER


(2) The model of Humman-body for S'PECAL-COMPUTER.


(3) The ulera microscope and uiera-special mi-cro monaipulations or microtech-



(4) The animals Tests and human-body tests.The human-body tests was stationary motion-



(5) The cases of patient (nervous system, system circulatory system and other sensory system)


(6) CT (CPET) and MPJ,etc.


The seaining method,tissve culture ,tissueertract,etc.mustbe optimum of specialization sketch . Fig,

No 14 . 16. 26. 27.




The actomyosin molecules, actins, activating enzymes. mdenine(6-Aminopusine)Allele,

Amsiquous condom, Amino acid sequence,amino terminal (N-termina


residue),Anticodon,base,Base pairing, Bet confiqu hation. carhoxyl terminal(terminal residue

operator cstron.oigomel,operqtor,Relaredsens)carhory terminal(cterminal residue). c


stron,oigomer,operator,Relaxed civular DNA seese strand(plus sexlond) saper heliy (coiled coil,

structure)sense strand (plus strand) saperheliy coiled coil,super-coil structure ,suppressioe.

Transfer RNA(tRNA)


(Acceptor RNA, Adaptor,Dictionay RNA, solusle RNA ,sRNA etc ,know as the late word in

molecular structure )


molecular quautum mechanics.molecular motion and gen'es theory.suchas cells DNA and

NNA .But. for from want of speakvolume for it map sresearched, transfer this to physical-

researched be of service to run upon moleculars gene'smechanism .In the wake of

mtfions described, we see gene's stuided to


It's said that ,code of chromafmation recombination of genes, matetion in due by

eqonizing rediation .variabilty and fundamental laws of herdeity l.law of segregution; 2. law of

independent assorftment;3. law of linkage and erchange. etc wer be impor-tant to a concerned

about neur-chemistry nerve cells, nevous impulse,nerve plexus. hervous

innervatiou.ganglion. neuromere.nerve commissure.nervous pathovay .nerve endings. endoneu-

rium,nerve-hody-fluid. nervous control,nerve fibre, subnerural gland, axilemma. neuron and

neurofibrils. nervouscontrol,nerve we researched (and analysis, muscle contraction.)

muscle contraction



ATN^AVP+P+E (1.0)

(ntrvous reflex mechanism and neuro-musculak modanism that nearo-mascular physiology)

excitation smell contraction couplig




4 CaAA (1.1)





-> AM




excitation smell contraction coupling


(1) Ga.Ga into endoneur-ium


(2) ACH. Achrelease


(3) R-ACH R-AchtogetheR


(4) produse of end-pole potential

Regar to




nervous impulse and its condoction model of Synapse transmission


motor nerve endings polarization


ca+ into endoneurium


Ach release


end-pole potential




muscle contraction


It here, We would discover wave, particles field, Sheave,bunch and carrirl-of here dity

.Q.J. etc, Control volume of throschol,news keep, cross-changways. keep-chang-negative-

links R.R. double hlix, Super-conductivity, mathematical logic ways, nature-Tong-Substance

condu lauguage-Tong-Substance,drareter-poth path-bunch, etc


~ ~ (2)

At same time, we Rnown ferment is very important according to

equation of ferment conservation

Rl [ETESJ=k2[ES]




[EJ=[ESJ]] (1.2)



The life field-body havimg Wrong path guide-line,or the grnal-line,field bunch, its appearing. Ching

and loonabodsm invisible-image, anaboism deve-loping, livity-domain and pass or sit and stop tao-

shold into-cycle. Them's chaning-flow,was fold shadow toplant and striding-links. formation siugle.

double many tunnel links. In point of fact, its was precceding dyes-pighoeatation and may pbrases-

lines of unel links (dye-fassion stur ctcure plait)


The H-sbins semi-solvent-groand substances, from first release and second release, Epo

tentionsi-des. conts etc arised pumb and brabn-chainning.more over the brain's left hemisphere

functional and right hemisphere-over pont. About physcial-researched to see Figs.

The nerva cell model being


U(l)o C(l) " U= [(n).a(n)] (n=0)


U(l)o C(2)


U(l)o C(3) Z u ->


U(l)o C(l)

Fig nerve cell model


Let us se and analysis

reflev action


bell— >uditory sensatior— ^release— >central(non-reflev action— ►food-

central— >proviassociation—>ligh food— >oral covrty mucosa, Per cention— >release— >salivary

central— >tronsmission—>salivary gland— >secretion


The transmission of acapuncture feeling by the channels that we put comple measurement

with natural marks to item.(e.g acupuncture feeling.) we analysis following stuided-machinel-



Aaij(r)(t)= d(-)xj (t-r2) Xi (t) - B (r) (1.3)


As far as brain's nervous system is concrtned. not only this was neuron, nucleus, axon,

dendrite, synaps etc a succession of motions but also being become of AESS-HT, etc AEH



excitation conuction (chemiscd-founula)

E d [Na+] + [K+]


[(a++)+mg++]+[H+] (1.4)

H3 C + CH3


C - O - CH2CH2 - IV CH3

O OH CH3 (1.5)




= KA (7tint - 7toutsive) (1.6)






quantam type end-pole response


ny t m mx


Pr= - = — (1.7)



cen exlitatation estion (chemiscal-foconductionnmula)


Centain, having to do with the techniques and methods in brain message and passed on etc.

on all hands next doer to refer models to .To be specific, make sure of its chemical-structures we

take measur by virtue of urtr-microtech nique resolving force of microscope


d = -- (1.8)



not long since, mak a sketch of ultr-microtechnique's speapk, well as far as is goes Ahhrough

it be for ultra pure state and crystal grain boundarie,sopen to question but answer to the

purpnos of work up,because it wriste down what is called molecular's level which that is the last

word in heurology. model of synapse.


xi(t)=l[2jaijxi(t-z)-QiJ] (1.9)

we may thinging it necessary to ultr-microte chnique out-put

out - put


2 2 y 1 2 2


-f(y, t/x, s ) = [-~(m ---) + -- (-) ] (2.0)


2t 2y z 2 2y




In need be, we using computer let it to the xrtent of clearly-maps(CT or others )

As far as our informationgoes, we have to do with be


characteristic of wave- particles.field.shauve.buach. shock-degrretors.That regard to simple or

linearied solution is pure phoxe transformation will be wrong. oder-inorder,imter tial

system,mass,photic stimulation, photo emission.cross-linkng. photoionization. nonspontaneous

generation (non-conductor.asymmety chemo-syn thesis .ele ctri-cal excitability, audio-frequency

power,coeffieient of expansion, collision density, cortical reactivity . and crystallius, etc,

wer been play an impor tant role in the here, Else than that not less than unde certain circum

stances depend on mutual action and in trlinsic viscosity (specialization)


[1] Vimentin Binds to the Haman RPC Memslane and Associates with Ankpin; Intermediate

filamezts 1985,691-693


[2]Three clasess of sisnalling Molecules on B-cell memblanes. Membranes receptors and

cellalar vegulation 1985, 87-92


[3]Noulal Control of monnalian Hibernation; Circulation,respiratim and metabolism 1985m519-



[4] Actions of cholecystokinin Octapeptide On 2Rat spinal porsal horn neurons; Nevronal chole

cystori-1980, 373-401


[5]Mechanisms for Biological Effects of nagnetic Fields . CBiol. effects 1980, 71-86

[6]Collular loculization and Fnction of the


[7]NIIMURA, N NEAERON structual biology, J-phys chem solids, Co[819], 126-12705-



Language acoustics, Electroncs.<Bio-physics>


The simple imitate of synthesis for language be made of some vectors, eg pickoup

corrier and gear-drive equipment etc.


  1. The language is begings by compuaters as betwem


  1. C. and D. in any directorn and so on ,In this paper, we would disscution some important

KEY-Techniques(Higher-hears etc)


/KEY WORDS/.others.

stationary measures, Gene-affine

fibre-silk effereney




news noleculor-voice


synthesis phrase


second chang-suddenly


nerve silk fisson


single wave guide


some aggregution wave guide


onself wave exaniner


Higher nervous, electrotyping-hearts


Gene-methods molocular biology techniques staps from in ner to out face. BME



(1) Anologue- imitated- instrument of linsui ster


(2) Special-electronic analog computing eguipment


(3) Higher-boars of nerves, Higher-source-pickup.special-maded telephotography of nerve-gene,

system of higher myogen of functional condition.


(4) fundamental tone (New elec ground substance and copulatery organ contactor) or calisrator.


(5) Oerer instilments matrials (nerve silks fible silks,)etc.


(6) Animals Test, etc <Gene-section- line and BME><Fig,sketch, no 415>





Frontier Rockets design cutting-edge technology --- overweight high-speed rocket technology and space radiation technology(FangRuida)

Overloaded rockets and rocket ---- overweight major technology aerospace technology

Overloaded rockets and rocket ---- overweight major technology aerospace technology



Frontier Rockets design cutting-edge technology --- overweight high-speed rocket technology and space radiation technology(FangRuida)








Development of heavy or super heavy rocket is a revolution in aerospace science and aerospace technology. To human landing on Mars, Mercury, Jupiter's moons, the traditional rocket has considerable limitations and difficult nature. To the depths of the universe, marching, does not override overweight large rocket as a means of transport, the goal is difficult to achieve. Rocket design and development is not as big and large aerospace competition is not for the heavy weight. Otherwise, this wood upside down, meaningless. Voyage in the universe, only reload or overweight Rocket to undertake this important task. Mars, only it can be achieved. Therefore, the development of heavy-duty rocket rocket overweight imminent. Traditional rockets, miniature nuclear reactors, set-crystalline solar complementary, main mix, undoubtedly


--- Human Revolution Universe depths of the universe and to enter Mars, the most powerful thrusters - reload rockets and overweight high-speed rocket. Without which it is difficult to succeed. Traditional chemical rockets and rocket compared to the advantages of new heavy-duty, mature technology, tremendous thrust, whether liquid solid rocket has great prospects to develop. However, the chemical fuel storage is a great question, blindly heightening bold rocket structure size, and preferably not the best solution. Moreover, the human landing on Mars hundreds of millions of kilometers to come and go back and forth, the huge consumption of fuel storage, chemical rockets is difficult to achieve, but also risky, long continuous flight interstellar space, face enormous difficulties. The reality may be the only effective and is overweight rockets and heavy rocket, only this one, no other way. Overloaded rockets and rocket overweight, the preferred fuel in addition to traditional chemical-oxygen engines, is nuclear - miniature nuclear reactors as well as solar energy, electricity and so on. The new rocket design and development of revolution is a revolution in the universe of space technology, the rocket can be polylactic structure - conventional engines and nuclear engines simultaneously, or a main one, the traditional main engine, auxiliary engines, nuclear power; nuclear power or engine etc, chemical auxiliary engines, more practical, safe, reliable, technology is relatively sophisticated, cost is not high. A. design. B. Design C. design. According to calculations simulation, pure chemical fuel rockets heavy rocket fuel needed hundreds of tons of nearly 1,000 tons (from Earth to fly to Mars and return calculation), the new rocket probably only need tens of tons less than one hundred tons. Earth launch takeoff traditional fuels, new energy engine spaceflight, nuclear or other energy sources, combined with a chemical engine flight. Rocket greatly reduce the overall weight, size structure do not have a high, large, thick, heavy. Of course, nuclear engine design and manufacturing should be sound, safe, reliable, non-polluting design, mature technology.






reactors since a sealing structure, safe, reliable, non-polluting, self-separation device self-destruct mechanisms in case of emergency applies. Overweight rocket can double the overall structure propulsion, but also the main and auxiliary propulsion, using conventional chemical engine thrust at launch, flying earth voyage to switch nuclear power or solar propulsion, but also two-phase propulsion rocket monomeric main structure, attached to the multi-level structure, can be dual structure, key technology and micro-jet nozzles and other nuclear reactors, solar-crystal panels, chemical fuel storage tank is limited. overloaded rocket attached to other equipment voyage, landed tanks, mainly for remote






Frontier Rockets design cutting-edge technology --- overweight high-speed rocket technology and space radiation technology




Rocket propulsion technology research, space radiation protection material development. Frontier Rockets design cutting-edge technology --- overweight high-speed rocket and space radiation breakthrough design and related manufacturing techniques and crafts.




Rocket propulsion technology research, space radiation protection material development. (1) rocket thrust improvements and technical studies, large heavy-duty large rocket heavy rocket design and manufacturing. (2) radiation is extremely important for human space flight and aerospace and other life on our planet health, work and so on. Therefore, there must be a major aerospace field of space technology breakthroughs, rocket design and design of radiation close to important. Countries in the world have invested a lot of manpower and resources research, a lot of results, is very gratifying. However, any technology has its life cycle, age limitations, you can not let the ancients aircraft design and manufacture of automobiles; Similarly, at this stage of human studies can be designed and manufactured hundreds or even thousands of years after laser spacecraft for human use and the like s things. Mars Jupiter Galaxy only dozens of days time to leap from the earth. A particularly important technology to create will take a long time to accumulate the process, or even thousands of years, will not happen overnight. Ancient zodiac dreams and myths, has undergone a full 5,000 years or even tens of thousands of years can be said to be several hundred thousand years was able to achieve, to become a true reality. Fantasy and science need to create, however, they need appropriate practical step by step, this is the human need to have the strength and wisdom. In the current, heavy rocket technology and radiation protection in the basic technology is difficult to promote the stage, we need serious consideration, repeated studies, solid and steady progress. Especially in aerospace technology inscrutable, technical difficulties related to doubts, even the slightest advance any very arduous. A wide variety of technical solutions a lot, but more practical proven viable technology is not much, aerospace technology high risk and high investment, not indeed of technology validation, only shelved. Who will not easily go in this huge bottomless black hole in white spread the money, even the purely scientific exploration of scientific research and the like. Radiation shielding material, too, in addition to traditional radiation shielding material, is the development of new materials, radiation synthesis of new materials, polymeric materials and polymer lead, titanium and other dimerization complex, as well as radiation protection coatings. Layer structure, the base layer, reinforcing layer, interlayer, the main material radiation, radiation Fucai, isolated layers and the like, including spacecraft design, suit design.


Nuclear rocket engine is used by the tremendous heat generated during the fission of nuclear fuel, the propellant is heated to very high temperatures (4000 ℃ above). Thus obtaining the kinetic energy of the propellant, is ejected at high speed from the rear, so as to promote high-speed rocket flight.




Since the nuclear fuel small size, heat, nuclear rocket can achieve light weight, small size and other advantages.




In the past, countries in the world more than the study of nuclear rocket engine called "overheating nuclear jet engine." At its core it is a small size of the nuclear reactor, nuclear fuel into fuel elements, arranged in the core. When you start the liquid hydrogen into the core, quickly turned into a few thousand degrees Celsius temperature gas after heating, high-speed jet out from the tail of the rocket, a huge thrust, this engine is relatively easy to implement, it may be more economical than chemical rockets. But because the impulse is not big enough, not as a remote interplanetary navigation tools. But it can play an important role in the universe voyage.




"Plasma extruded core engine" Its heart is a nuclear reactor, but the reactor is not used for heating, but for power. At startup, the Y-shaped vacuum chamber injection Xianxiang propellant (such as hydrogen), then immediately closed up at both ends, and the on-current, so that the propellant is heated to 70 million degrees Celsius. In this case the propellant has become a high-temperature plasma, it is driven by the electromagnetic force, the tail is ejected from the rocket.




"Gas core nuclear engine." It is based on gaseous uranium or plutonium instead of solid fuel, the use of gas fuel fission reaction to release heat from the liquid hydrogen fuel tank is heated to very high temperatures (9000 ℃ above), with a strong push rocket exhaust stream.




"Nuclear explosion vented engine." To launch a small explosion when the indoor inject explosive agents, the use of the enormous pressure generated by a nuclear explosion on the wall to push the rocket forward.






Laser, nuclear energy, light pressure and antimatter four new propulsion technology, is research and development. At this stage, not enough to enter the development stage.




Currently the vast majority of all vehicles and spacecraft are the use of solid and liquid chemical propulsion, its main drawback is the low energy density. Fuel rocket engine carried to the total weight of more than 90%, so the benefit-cost ratio is low, less secure.




Propulsion, ie long-range emits high-energy laser, spacecraft after a reverse parabolic mirror to focus the heated gas, gas thermal expansion thrust. These projects are still being studied.




Promoting nuclear energy, the use of nuclear energy generated by the reaction was heated working fluid or plasma generation high-speed jet thrust. This corresponds to engage in a small nuclear reactor on an aircraft.


Light pressure propulsion, aircraft use this technology as a sailboat, sunlight or other particle stream impinges on windsurfing, sail thrust based on the pressure of light on both sides.




Antimatter propulsion, today's advance technology to promote the highest speed of about 20 kilometers per second, can not achieve interstellar flight. Antimatter propulsion aircraft will be possible to reach the speed of light. The principle is, charged particles in a strong electric field, the ejection speeds approaching the speed of light.




Nuclear rocket engine is used by the tremendous heat generated during the fission of nuclear fuel, the propellant is heated to very high temperatures (4000 ℃ above). Thus obtaining the kinetic energy of the propellant, is ejected at high speed from the rear, so as to promote high-speed rocket flight.



--- Human Revolution Universe depths of the universe and to enter Mars, the most powerful thrusters - reload rockets and overweight high-speed rocket. Without which it is difficult to succeed. Traditional chemical rockets and rocket compared to the advantages of new heavy-duty, mature technology, tremendous thrust, whether liquid solid rocket has great prospects to develop. However, the chemical fuel storage is a great question, blindly heightening bold rocket structure size, and preferably not the best solution. Moreover, the human landing on Mars hundreds of millions of kilometers to come and go back and forth, the huge consumption of fuel storage, chemical rockets is difficult to achieve, but also risky, long continuous flight interstellar space, face enormous difficulties. The reality may be the only effective and is overweight rockets and heavy rocket, only this one, no other way. Overloaded rockets and rocket overweight, the preferred fuel in addition to traditional chemical-oxygen engines, is nuclear - miniature nuclear reactors as well as solar energy, electricity and so on. The new rocket design and development of revolution is a revolution in the universe of space technology, the rocket can be polylactic structure - conventional engines and nuclear engines simultaneously, or a main one, the traditional main engine, auxiliary engines, nuclear power; nuclear power or engine etc, chemical auxiliary engines, more practical, safe, reliable, technology is relatively sophisticated, cost is not high. A. design. B. Design C. design. According to calculations simulation, pure chemical fuel rockets heavy rocket fuel needed hundreds of tons of nearly 1,000 tons (from Earth to fly to Mars and return calculation), the new rocket probably only need tens of tons less than one hundred tons. Earth launch takeoff traditional fuels, new energy engine spaceflight, nuclear or other energy sources, combined with a chemical engine flight. Rocket greatly reduce the overall weight, size structure do not have a high, large, thick, heavy. Of course, nuclear engine design and manufacturing should be sound, safe, reliable, non-polluting design, mature technology.




Since the nuclear fuel small size, heat, nuclear rocket can achieve light weight and small size.


Study abroad more than the nuclear rocket engine called "overheating nuclear jet engine." At its core it is a small size of the nuclear reactor, nuclear fuel into fuel elements, arranged in the core. When you start the liquid hydrogen into the core, quickly turned into a few thousand degrees Celsius temperature gas after heating, high-speed jet out from the tail of the rocket, a huge thrust, this engine is relatively easy to implement, it may be more economical than chemical rockets. But because the impulse is not big enough, not as a remote interplanetary navigation tools.




"Plasma extruded core engine" Its heart is a nuclear reactor, but the reactor is not used for heating, but for power. At startup, the Y-shaped vacuum chamber injection Xianxiang propellant (such as hydrogen), then immediately closed up at both ends, and the on-current, so that the propellant is heated to 70 million degrees Celsius. In this case the propellant has become a high-temperature plasma, it is driven by the electromagnetic force, the tail is ejected from the rocket.




"Gas core nuclear engine." It is based on gaseous uranium or plutonium instead of solid fuel, the use of gas fuel fission reaction to release heat from the liquid hydrogen fuel tank is heated to very high temperatures (9000 ℃ above), with a strong push rocket exhaust stream. With such a nuclear rocket engine can shoulder the glorious mission to Mars trip.




"Nuclear explosion vented engine." To launch a small explosion when the indoor inject explosive agents, the use of the enormous pressure generated by a nuclear explosion on the wall to push the rocket forward.






 High-speed heavy rocket principle structure diagram, Fig. Separable manned rocket rocket rocket and cargo (ship), the overall design includes a header *1;




area (Other) ->


    {Invalid_object, Other}


Rocket design development, and manufacturing, professional software is essential. CAD, OpenRocket, SpaceCad, and simulation software, calculation software, three-dimensional drawing software abound. Software and programming for the design development and manufacturing heavy-duty large rocket experiment is also very important. Overloaded rocket rocket overweight due to structural, engine and fuel with traditional chemical rocket engine design and development of chemical fuels have very different, but also extraordinarily complex calculation, therefore, research and development to develop new rocket reload software is imperative, especially dynamic binding is a multi-poly design calculation, more complex.


________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Enc:Peaceful uses of space technology for the global list of cutting-edge technology transfer projects




* Related mainly for large-scale R & D institutions, manufacturers, aerospace companies of various types


* Providing patent class style drawings or technical know-how, structure diagram, etc.


* In accordance with the relevant United Nations Peace International Convention on the use of outer space, the transferee shall provide qualified information otherwise not be transferable.








{Technology patented formula provides technical drawings or class structure diagram, technical know-how, science and technology common English language, the transfer fee in US dollars or other international common currency. Within three months after signing the contract or agreement, the delivery of technical and technological entry fee deposit transfer technical drawings simultaneously transfer the transferee. Innocent breach of contract, 70% -80% of the total value of compensation projects, technology should be compensation in full. The transfer of technology may apply for international patents, patent ownership transferee all the transferor no longer enjoy their benefits. Transfer of technology projects to provide electronic and paper drawings each copy in English. Technical consulting fees extra. General reception advice not only for the contracting parties and effective}.


Technology Item Technical Code technology transfer fee (US $ billion) generic technology entry fee (US $ billion) technical margin (US $ billion)


  1. overloaded rocket 00A054378120 75 15 10


2 [.] Anti-radiation technology 00a054389127 50 7




3 [.] Space Syndrome Prevention Technology 00A0543764 38 5




  1. [space] emergency medical technology 00B0832680 40 2 3


[5.] Mars landing aircraft 00A4438963 15 4.5






              N.S T institute of space technology research firm




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utilisations pacifiques de la technologie spatiale pour la liste globale des projets de transfert de technologie de pointe




* Connexes principalement pour la R & D des institutions à grande échelle, les fabricants, les entreprises aérospatiales de divers types


* Fournir des dessins de style de classe de brevet ou de savoir-faire technique, diagramme de structure, etc.


* Conformément à la Convention internationale de la paix des Nations Unies pertinentes sur l'utilisation de l'espace, le cessionnaire doit fournir des informations qualifiées autrement ne pas être transférables.








{Technology formule brevetée fournit des dessins techniques ou de la structure de classe diagramme, savoir-faire technique, de la science et de la technologie de langue anglaise commune, les frais de transfert en dollars américains ou autre monnaie commune internationale. Dans les trois mois après la signature du contrat ou d'un accord, la livraison des dessins techniques de transfert de dépôt de droit d'entrée techniques et technologiques transférer simultanément le cessionnaire. Innocent violation du contrat, 70% -80% de la valeur totale des projets de compensation, la technologie devrait être une compensation en totalité. Le transfert de technologie peut demander des brevets internationaux, la propriété brevet cessionnaire tout le cédant plus profiter de leurs avantages. Transfert des projets de technologie pour fournir des dessinsélectroniques et de papier chaque copie en anglais. frais de consultation techniques supplémentaires. des conseils de réception général non seulement pour les parties contractantes et efficace}.


Technologie Code article technique des frais de transfert de technologie (G $ US) des frais d'entrée de technologie générique (US $ milliards) marge technique (US $ milliards)


  1. fusée surchargé00A054378120 75 15 10


2 [.] De la technologie anti-rayonnement 00a054389127 50 7




3 [.] La technologie de prévention Syndrome espace 00A0543764 38 5




technologie médicale 4. [espace] d'urgence 00B0832680 40 2 3


[5.] Mars atterrissage des avions 00A4438963 15 4.5






              N.s T institut du cabinet d'études de la technologie spatiale




                     Ajouter: Genève Roma








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Мирное использование космической техники для глобального списка проектов по передаче передовых технологий




* Связанные в основном для крупномасштабных R & D институтов, производителей, аэрокосмических компаний различного типа


* Предоставление чертежей стиля патента класса или технического ноу-хау, структурную диаграмму и т.д.


* В соответствии с соответствующей Международной конвенции Организации Объединенных Наций в пользу мира по использованию космического пространства, принимающая сторона должна предоставить квалифицированную информацию в противном случае не будет передаваться.








{Технология запатентована формула обеспечивает технические чертежи или структуру класса диаграммы, технические ноу-хау, науки и техники общего английского языка, оплата за перевод денег в долларах США или другой международной единой валюты. В течение трех месяцев после подписания договора или соглашения, поставка технических и технологических вступительный взнос депозитным переводом технических чертежей одновременно передавать правопреемника. Иннокентий нарушение договора, 70% -80% от общей стоимости компенсационных проектов, технология должна быть компенсация в полном объеме. Передача технологии может подать заявку на международные патенты, патент собственности правопреемника все поклажедатель больше не пользуются их преимуществами. Передача технологических проектов для предоставления электронных и бумажных чертежей каждую копию на английском языке. Технический консалтинг сборы дополнительно. Общий прием советы не только для договаривающихся сторон и эффективным}.


Технология Пункт Технический кодекс Стоимость трансфера технологий (US $ млрд) общая технология вступительный взнос (US $ млрд) технический запас (US $ млрд)


  1. [] перегружен ракета 00A054378120 75 15 10


2 [.] Anti-радиационная технология 00a054389127 50 7




3 [.] Технология предотвращения Космический синдром 00A0543764 38 5




  1. [пробел] скорая медицинская техника 00B0832680 40 2 3


[5] Марс посадки самолетов 00A4438963 15 4.5






              N.S T институт космической техники исследовательской фирмы




                     Добавить: Geneva Roma








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  Электронная почта:


*1:A) rocket


(B) front structure (C) of the main structure


(D) terminal structure


(E) the other part. Of course, it can be integrated design, both passengers and freight, combined.


And corresponding schematic are: 1. The main rocket propulsion device attached to traditional fuels Configuration 2. miniature nuclear or ion thruster engine to automatically switch to be high-shaped solar collector plate is arranged and similar jet nozzle switching means expand runs in aerospace. 3. The body of the fuel tank 4. The auxiliary fuel tank storage. 5 multistage rocket hierarchy. 6. The overall structural design of interlocking, overlapping design, to minimize the size and weight of their own. 7. rocket diameter should be maintained at between 8.5 meters -12.7 meters, within rocket lengths up to 89.6 meters -128 meters, its own weight and the maximum load must be a strict conventions, load up to 450 tons -500 tons. Off mass of more than 4,000 tons can be large, space payload between 350-400 tonnes, specific impulse, thrust, etc. within the limits of the take. Constant between 250-350 tons. 7. freight rockets and manned rocket structure, there are many similarities and differences. Manned load control between 54 tons -80 tons of cargo rocket can increase the load, but must comply with the relevant technical specifications. 8. manned rocket (spacecraft) are integral material with radiation, temperature, and other characteristics, living spaces, working spaces, the return capsule landed warehouse, reserve tanks (emergency wrecker and life support systems, health care systems overlap design, reserve tanks versatile, if necessary, its own flight taking off and landing). 8. Special multi-purpose smart suit. 9. The computer program control using rocket duplex programming, technology and equipment to ensure complete interchangeability of alternative replacement properties of the bench. 10. The large heavy-duty rocket complex technical equipment, its weight is large, take-off weight is also very impressive, they are among dozens of tons of load hundreds of tons, payload of at least 350 tonnes above. The overall design of complex, cross, interactive, complex overlapping, sub-segment, subsystem staggered, high-end manufacturing technology requires more perfect. Propulsion systems, control systems, communication systems, operating systems, living systems, security systems, emergency escape systems, medical aid system, radiation protection system, accidental disposal system, arrows first telemetry systems, landing cabin, return capsule systems, etc., many complex both independent and set polymerization, prone to various failures and accidents.




Heavy rocket launch means that with a low capacity, different types of satellites in Earth orbit and different high manned spacecraft, a takeoff thrust of 3,500 tons of low-Earth orbit carrying capacity: 100 tons; geosynchronous orbit carrying capacity: 18 tons; fly to the moon's orbit carrying capacity: 32 tons; fly to Mars and Venus orbit carrying capacity reaches: 28 tons.


Super-heavy launch vehicle rocket carrying capacity refers to the proportion of more powerful rockets, super-heavy launch vehicle for a more focused service in near-Earth orbit to the moon's heavy rocket compared to the deep exploration of the universe, such as a manned landing on Mars and probe the solar system planets outside.


Using traditional fossil fuels and other auxiliary propulsion, micro nuclear reactor jet nozzle technology or solar collector crystal converter, you can switch control. Traditional chemical-fueled mainly on the ground take-off stage, you can use other propulsion into outer space. Designed with interlocking and automatic switching. To avoid overly complex and cumbersome mechanism, miniature nuclear reactor jet nozzle from a closure sealing system, and with a variety of protective measures and protection equipment, special treatment can be taken in case of emergency. If the configuration set high polymer crystal solar converter, using specially prepared materials. This heavy-duty high-speed rocket complex, chemical fuel storage can be more or less, in addition to sail away from the Earth, can play a major role in micro reactors, nuclear fuel storage capacity of small, less than 1% -3% of the conventional chemical fuel, suitable Astronautical long. In addition, the solar collector crystal transducer can maximize the use of solar energy. This feature is designed primarily large heavy-duty rockets, small rocket thrusters does not require many complex and propellant. Large heavy-duty high-speed rocket, called the giant space rocket 11-12.5 meters in diameter, height of 125 meters between -130 meters, a takeoff weight of 5,000 tons, the maximum load of 150-300 tons of payload 200 tons, suitable for long-distance long flight .. Known universe carrier spacecraft. Integrated high polymer technology, compact cluster system, in particular the use of self-locking miniature neutron source reactor sealing system, safe and reliable pollution, emergency automatic locking and special treatment. Heavy duty, light weight, thrust, energy, security, precision equipment, rockets and spacecraft systems using composite overall design, radiation protection, under-owned emergency medical systems and special critical situations can start backup aircraft (standby rockets) escape and return . After all an ample supply of fuel, can fly continuously for six months or more than a year in space. Giant super-heavy rocket rocket strictly control the slenderness ratio, stiffness ratio, height and diameter is not bigger is better, and to the physical structure, engine configuration, fuel, thrust, specific impulse, load, weight, quality and other technical parameters take-off match


In the history of human spaceflight, the most distinguished scientists, including Tsiolkovsky, Robert. Goddard, Hermann. Obert, Croatia Korolev, Glushko, Feng. Braun made a significant contribution to this end and so on. In humans left towards Earth, into space career invaluable rich heritage, affecting future generations, which makes the human begin today to the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, and other stars and vast universe march. Such as rocket technology, regardless of liquid rocket engine, or a solid engine, or a hybrid rocket engine technology not only great scientific value, commercial value is priceless, immeasurable. Rocket technology not only belong to aerospace engineering, but also the most important military frontier research projects. Missile technology and rocket technology are inseparable, but different. In heavy-duty rocket technology and aerospace technology in terms of radiation, respectively, in the commercial value of $ 1.5 trillion and $ 700 billion. (According to the rules and techniques of international trade market valuation, the civil provisions of the peaceful uses of outer space, the value is not less than the above price valuation and technology transfer). The core technology of key technologies, we can see the importance of rocket technology and sophisticated, the profits to be overlooked. According to global statistics rocket engine manufacturers, rocket engines and rocket annual sales of about hundreds of billions or even trillions of dollars. Lockheed. Martin company, for example:






NASA "Saturn 5" rocket is a rocket family, "Big Mac", the level 3 rocket in the late 1960s and early 1970s, has been used in the NASA moon. Like "Ares IX" rocket "Saturn 5" rocket is also from Florida's Kennedy Space Center launch, its height is 110 meters (363 feet), the rocket can carry 45 tons of goods sent to the moon, or carrying 120 tons of goods to the Earth's orbit.


"Saturn 5" rocket fuel in a completely filled state ready to launch, a total weight of 3 million kilograms (6.5 million lbs).




 China's "Long March" is also No. 3 A three liquid rocket booster, a secondary conventional fuel, the third stage of hydrogen oxygen fuel. The third stage by a 2.25 m diameter increased to 3 meters, and increase the tank length, the propellant from 8.2 tons to 17.6 tons. Total takeoff weight of 240 tons, a takeoff thrust of 300 tons, which synchronous transfer orbit carrying capacity from 1.4 tons to 2.6 tons.


  R & D focus and cutting-edge aerospace technology sector today include large and giant rockets and heavy load and other problems of radiation direction. United States and Russia and other Central European countries start their own design and development of large and giant rocket success. Whether manned or unmanned flight, heavy-duty high-speed large rocket rocket rocket overweight and related technologies is essential, second to none, it is the leader in space technology ahead of God. No matter how large, the basic use of conventional fuels, hydrogen oxygen fuel and other chemical-based. But in the long distance flight, tank volume is bound to increase, propellant storage capacity also increases. If to Mars and return to Earth, storage tanks also need more fuel propellant, the rocket is bound to increase its own weight. In this case, increasing the diameter of the rocket, height also increased significantly. Not the bigger the higher the better, exceeding the limit is not conducive to the voyage, but also easily lead to a variety of security failures flight accidents, causing the arrow crash tragedy. Especially a human into the depths of the universe, continuous flight a year or so, hundreds of millions or billions of kilometers, small rockets and rocket ships load hardly reach. Hundreds of tons of conventional fuel storage needs, it is difficult to achieve, accident prone. Therefore, the development of new heavy-duty rocket to strictly abide by its rules, can not be arbitrarily created. Otherwise, the consequences could be disastrous.




Using traditional fossil fuels and other auxiliary propulsion, micro nuclear reactor jet nozzle technology (nuclear energy conversion device), or a solar collector crystal converter, you can switch control. Traditional chemical-fueled mainly on the ground take-off stage, you can use other propulsion into outer space. Designed with interlocking and automatic switching. To avoid overly complex and cumbersome mechanism, miniature nuclear reactor jet nozzle from a closure sealing system, and with a variety of protective measures and protection equipment, special treatment can be taken in case of emergency. If the configuration set high polymer crystal solar converter, using specially prepared materials. This heavy-duty high-speed rocket complex, chemical fuel storage can be more or less, in addition to sail away from the Earth, can play a major role in micro reactors, nuclear fuel storage capacity of small, less than 1% of conventional chemical fuel, suitable for long universe sailing. In addition, the solar collector crystal transducer can maximize the use of solar energy. This feature is designed primarily large heavy-duty rockets, small rocket thrusters does not require many complex and propellant. Large heavy-duty high-speed rocket, called the giant space, structure, size rocket 11-12.5 meters in diameter, height of 125 meters between -130 meters, a takeoff weight of 5,000 tons, the maximum load of 150-300 tons of payload 200 tons or more, astronauts can take 5-15 people, the standard crew of seven. Suitable for long distance flight. Of course, the size of the structure can be relatively reduced or greatly reduced, mainly determined according to the type of fuel and engine. If the main engine for the nuclear engine, and other new propulsion, structure size can be changed. Because no large-capacity storage tank and multi-stage rocket multi-split structure, which greatly reduce the structure of the device components. Nuclear-based, conventional propeller propulsion main auxiliary flight. The key technology is the micro-reactors and other propulsion device. In contrast, conventional propulsion based, nuclear and solar auxiliary thrust, is a good choice. Options and permutations and combinations should be determined depending on the circumstances. Large heavy-duty rockets, should be simple, but they simply can not be too simple, otherwise, thrust, specific impulse, that insufficient load. Difficult to complete hundreds of millions of billions of kilometers of continuous space flight. Mars has no such large heavy flagship, it is difficult to succeed. Aircraft carrier known as cosmic spaceship, high-technology dimerization integrated, compact cluster system, in particular the use of self-locking miniature neutron source reactor sealing system, safe and reliable pollution, emergency automatic locking and special treatment. Heavy duty, light weight, thrust, energy, security, precision equipment, rockets and spacecraft systems using composite overall design, radiation protection, under-owned emergency medical systems and special critical situations can start backup aircraft (standby rockets) escape and return . After all an ample supply of fuel, can fly continuously for six months or more than a year in space. It illustrates the schematic diagram of the structure, not the regular design. (Involving the core technology secrets and technical part, it will be omitted. Schematic is to develop large heavy duty main structural principle of the rocket, and the future development of the design and manufacture of new high-speed heavy-duty rockets important part of this stage of aerospace science and technology space, also human landing on Mars, the moon, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter satellite, an important tool for aerospace and transportation.) technical complexity, the essence, but also to maintain the unity of the self-contained cartridge resistance, try to reduce unnecessary structural components, reducing its own weight and the weight of the device, in order to facilitate the universe voyage. Of course, small rocket can Shanfanjiujian without so complicated. Aircraft carrier in space total cost of about $ 30 billion -500 billion. However, it and the space shuttle, the space station is very different, due to extensive use of new carrier space means equipment can be effectively recovered, repeated use, thus greatly reducing the cost and fees. For example, after taking off from Earth after flying in outer space you can cross, direct access to the moon or Mars. After reaching the destination, you can start landing means landing capsule, astronauts and cargo equipment falling to the planet's surface, and then continue the flight or return to Earth. This multistage rocket ships gradual separation of different, and ultimately disposable rocket returned to Earth, leaving only the return capsule after passing through the atmosphere, all the other abandoned in space. VK = Pb g0 Ln [(GT + GJ) / GJ] Tsiolkovsky formula:


Where: VK eleven rockets terminal velocity; Pb eleven thrust ratio (specific impulse); effective structural quality GJ-- rocket, including; g0 a ground acceleration of gravity; GT— propellant rocket takeoff load.




Rockets general, leaving only after return to Earth through the atmosphere the return capsule, all the other abandoned in space. Overloaded rocket acceleration orbit and other mainly rely on the powerful thrust and propeller were, therefore, the use of multi-stage rocket separated without too much structure. Space Shuttle main three parts (1) Orbiter: Orbiter is a core part of the space shuttle, the whole system is only manned space shuttle, a reusable part.




(2) solid boosters: the role of the solid boosters boost for less than supplement the main engine thrust. For reuse.




(3) external tank: Space Shuttle main engine is a liquid rocket engine, liquid fuel propellant is liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen. Mainly applicable to outer space shuttle earth near-Earth space flight landed, and the universe is mainly applied to the carrier long distance space shuttle flight, mainly rocket system, of course, some of the features of both the space shuttle. It is actually a giant rocket reload rockets. Mainly from Earth to other planets distant interplanetary missions, manned or freight, doubles as other uses. Particularly as applied to the moon to Mars and other large heavy-duty vehicles. Shuttle and heavy rockets are not the same, the former near-Earth space flight.




F-1 rocket engine


US-developed the world's largest single-chamber liquid rocket engine thrust for the Saturn V rocket, a single thrust of 700 tons of kerosene fuel, liquid oxygen as the oxidant.


Detailed data of the F-1:


Burning form: open cycle gas generator, liquid - liquid combustion


Propellant: Kerosene - liquid oxygen


Thrust: sea 690.988 tons


Vacuum 793.683 tons


Specific impulse: sea level 255.4 seconds (average of 70 engines)


Vacuum 304.1 seconds


Diameter: 3.645 m


Length: 5.598 m


Total weight: 8451.66 kg


Work propellant flow: Kerosene: 838.2 kg / sec, liquid oxygen 1784.7 kg / sec


Turbopump power: 46,225 kilowatts


Design Starts: 20


Design Life: 2250 seconds


RD-170 rocket engine


Russia developed the world's largest thrust liquid rocket engine using liquid oxygen + kerosene, a single thrust of 800 tons (four-chamber, four-nozzle design, it is also suggested that the four engines in parallel, but the share of gas turbine generators and pumps) for energy and the carrier rocket Zenit launch vehicle (RD-171 rocket engine, improved on the RD-170) first stage.


RD-191 rocket engine, single thrust of 200 tons, the single-chamber single nozzle, equivalent to RD-170 and then split into two, for russia rocket. RD-191 RD-151 model derivatives were sold to South Korea for the first stage of the Naro-1.


RS-68 rocket engine


US-developed the world's largest hydrogen-oxygen engines thrust, thrust 300 tons for the Delta IV rocket first stage.


RD-0120 rocket engine


Russian thrust largest hydrogen oxygen rocket engine, 200-ton thrust for energy carrier rocket main engine.


Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME)


US space shuttle main engine, the use of hydrogen oxygen, 200 tons of thrust, the biggest feature is reusable.


Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Motor


The world's largest rocket engine thrust, a single thrust of up to 1,200 tons, can be reused 10 times, tied for the US space shuttle boosters, which improved for the Ares 1 rocket and driving machine Ares 5 rocket boost Bundle device.


Saturn S-IC 5 a propellant kerosene / liquid oxygen from the front skirt, liquid oxygen tank, between the tank section, kerosene tank and thrust structures, length 42m, diameter 10m. Tank material is 2219-T87, panel size 3.35m × 7.92m, two Saturn V S-Ⅱ propellant liquid hydrogen / liquid oxygen, riveted by the housing segment, hydrogen oxygen tank, thrust structure and other components. three stage S-ⅣB propellant liquid hydrogen / liquid oxygen, the front skirt with a total propellant tank bottom, rear apron, interstage section, thrust structures, the length of 17.8m, a diameter of 6.7m. And S-Ⅱ Similarly, the use of liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen co-substrate structure. US space shuttle external tank diameter of 8.38m, total length of 47m. Liquid oxygen tank diameter 8.4m, length 16.64m; liquid hydrogen tank diameter 8.4m, length 29.48m, 6.4m long by the four barrel section, five ring bulkheads and ellipsoid around the bottom and so on.


Fission class rocket engine whose essence is the miniaturization of nuclear reactors, and placed on the rocket. Nuclear rocket engine fuel as an energy source, with liquid hydrogen, liquid helium, liquid ammonia working fluid. Nuclear rocket engine mounted in the thrust chamber of the reactor, cooling nozzle, the working fluid delivery and control systems and other components. In a nuclear reactor, nuclear energy into heat to heat the working fluid, the working fluid is heated after expansion nozzle to accelerate to the speed of 6500 ~ 11,000 m / sec from the discharge orifice to produce thrust. Long-lived nuclear rocket engine specific impulse (250-1000 seconds), but the technology is complex and is only applicable to long-term spacecraft. This engine due to nuclear radiation protection, exhaust pollution, reactor control and efficient heat exchanger design and other issues not resolved,




Nuclear fusion rocket engine is considered to be the most potential to achieve within the solar system flying rocket engine, similar to its principles and chemical rocket, just three fuel into hydrogen isotope deuterium, tritium and helium, nuclear fusion reactions release tremendous energy to push the rocket, compared to several orders of magnitude higher than chemical rockets.


Since the substance produced by fusion nuclear reactions is neutrons, protons and helium, and therefore can not be used within the Earth's atmosphere, but the space itself is full of all kinds of radiation, so there is nothing wrong in the use of space. Fusion rocket engine main problem to be solved is the high-temperature materials, ignition and fuel cell technology problems.






In summary, heavy rocket overweight rocket technology into the depths of the human universe, the most important is the uniqueness of the cutting-edge technology of space vehicles. Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter satellite, the Moon, flying out of the solar system, the galaxy fly without it simply can not be done and achieved. Mars and the Moon is the transformation of the impossible. Traditional chemical propellant obvious advantages, the technology is relatively mature and complete, indeed the preferred R & D to develop heavy-duty rocket propulsion; however, due to the long flight, fuel storage excessive, long distance flying difficult. And be able to return to Mars is extremely difficult. Therefore, we need a new heavy-duty rocket thrust of research to improve fuel, engine design, nuclear, solar and other uses or closely integrated to become a very important source of propulsion. Therefore, in the present case, heavy rockets and rocket propulsion overweight is a combination of both, or preferably. Earth takeoff stage of flight from the traditional engine start, after a long-distance flight flying planet or solar engine can use nuclear propulsion engines. When returned to Earth, Mini nuclear reactors can also be sealing abandoned the camera back, the Rockets may revoke or partially recovered in the ground.






Rocket design, including hardware and software, computer control program a lot, especially in heavy-duty rocket design, manufacture, test, test, process control is very important.


Programming, for example,


-module (mathStuff).


-export ([factorial / 1, area / 1]).


factorial (0) -> 1;


factorial (N) when N> 0-> N * factorial (N-1).


% Calculated area of the square, the first match square parameter tuple


area ({square, Side}) ->


     Side * Side;


% Calculated area of a circle, matching circle


area ({circle, Radius}) ->


    % Almost :-)


    3 * Radius * Radius;


% Calculated area of a triangle using Heron's formula, matching triangle


area ({triangle, A, B, C}) ->


    S = (A + B + C) / 2,


math: sqrt (S * (S-A) * (S-B) * (S-C

Ten major theorems of natural science----------------1000 years later the moon and Mars(Fangruida)

Ten major theorems of natural science----------------1000 years later the moon and Mars(Fangruida)


The world into a new era, the unprecedented human courage to continue to develop the natural universe. Regardless of social sciences or natural science and engineering technology, demonstrated a new victory and glory. As a human civilization and the world's cultural heritage of the great works of great enlightenment and dissemination of the role. Scientists, philosophers, thinkers, religious scientists, writers, inventors, politicians, and so continue to introduce a variety of works, spread to the world, influence and change the human and the world. In the natural universe - the human world, shining and not bad. Philosophy and social sciences is very important, he and the natural science and technology complement each other, its significance is self-evident. Here, the focus is to discuss pure natural science and engineering technology, especially the natural universe important theories and doctrine, for example, the natural science of the law of the theorem, especially commendable. The existence and extinction of the human world, and thus far more than all the major problems of the real world of mankind. For example, war and peace, competition and fighting, economic, political, cultural, religious, world order and future and so on.


Of course, comprehensive research must be linked to philosophy and social sciences. The world of books varies, the text. Science, industry, science, business, the vast sea, countless. Therefore, the main screening of a significant impact on the masterpiece or representative of the work, significant influence of scientists, philosophers, religious scientists, thinkers, politicians, writers, concise, for everyone to appreciate.


As the philosophy and social science research is more complex, various views sometimes very sharp opposition, therefore, mainly to focus on the natural sciences. Of course, the natural science is not without debate and heated debate, it is another matter.




Silver Capital (Gunde Frank)





Peter's Principle (Lawrence Peter)


The Rise of the Marginal Utility (Richard Hoy)


Burling (John Gray)


Property Rights and Institutional Change (R. Coase, D. North, et al.)


Confessions (Rousseau)


Industrial Organization: Theory, Evidence, and Public Policy (K.W. Clarkson, Roger Leroy Miller)


Reaffirming Liberalism (Anthony de Yasai)



The Great Chess Game - The Primacy of the US and Its Geostrategy (Brzezinski)


Representative Government (J.S. Mill)


The Theory of Moral Sentiments (Adam Smith)


The third wave - the wave of democratization in the latter part of the twentieth century (Huntington)


The Third Way (Anthony Giddens)


Animal Estate (George Orwell)


Economic Analysis of Law (Richard A. Posner)


Law and the Rise of Capitalism (Tiger & Levy)


General Law (Justinian)


Discovering Free Will and Personal Responsibility (Richlack)


Ancient Law (Mayine)


The comparison between the freedom of the ancient man and the freedom of the modern man (Gong Si Dang)


Classical Liberalism and Libertarianism (Norman P. Bally)


The Rise and Fall of the Country (Mankur Olsen)


A Study of the Nature and Causes of National Wealth (Adam Smith)




Individualism and the Economic Order (F.A. Hayek)


Havel Collection (Javier)


Price Theory (Milton Friedman)



Theory of Economic Development (Joseph Schumpeter)



Economic Epistemology (Nicolas Leschel)


Economic Methodology (Mark Blaug)


Principles of Economics (Marshall)


Economic Growth Theory (Arthur Lewis)


Elite Party (Cairns)


The Old System and the Revolution (Tocqueville)



Federalist anthology (Hamilton, Jay, Madison)


On Freedom of Publication (Milton)


Legislators and Interpreters (Zigman Baumann)


On American Democracy (Tocqueville)


On the Origin and Foundation of Human Inequality (Rousseau)


On Freedom (J.S. Mill)


Leviathan (Hobbes)


The Republic (Plato)


Two Concepts of Liberty (I. Berlin)


An Introduction to the Constitution of the United States (Jerome Barron, Thomas Deans)


Dream Society (Rolf Jensen)




Globalization Traps (Hans-Peter Martin, Harald Schumann)


Artificial Science (H.A. Simon)


Population Principles (Malthus)



Social Costs (R. H. Coase)


Social Contract (Rousseau)


Road to Slavery (F.A. Hayek)


Future Speed ​​(Bill Gates)


The Clash of Civilizations and the Reconstruction of World Order (Samuel Huntington)


The Law of the People (John Rawls)



Conflict in Modern Society (Ralph Darrendorf)


Protestant ethics and the spirit of capitalism (Max Weber)


The Right to Heresy (Zweig)


1984 (George Orwell)


The Theory of Leisure Classes (Van Bron)


Prophecy and Persuasion (Cairns)




Capitalism and Freedom (Milton Friedman)


Institutional Economics (Commons)


On Government (Locke)


On the government piece (Bentham)





Fatal Ego - Socialist Fallacies (F.A. Hayek)


Natural Codex (Morley)


The Principle of Free Order (F.A. Hayek)


Liberty and Prosperity (L.V. Mises)


Liberty, Markets and the State (James M. Buchanan)


Freedom to Choose: Personal Statement (Milton Friedman)


Liberalism (L. T. Hobhouse)


The Theory of Justice (John Rawls)


The National System of Political Economy (F Liszt)


Principles of Political Economy (John Mueller)


Politics and Markets (Charles Lindblomti)


Rationality in Religion





As the human society is extremely complex, so the philosophy and social sciences research is very complicated and complicated, all kinds of various viewpoints hard-edged. Need to be inclusive. Even a great work needs to be tested and validated in a wide variety of social practices. Avoid one-sided, extreme or a statement. Of course, masterpiece masterpiece extraordinary.

"Dialogue" "Utopia" Plato

"Metaphysics" Aristotle

Aquinas Theology

This is the master of the philosophy of the Catholic Church, read his writings can let you know the rule of the West for more than 1000 years of scholastic philosophy, it is very important.

C "New Tools" "Essays" Bacon "First Philosophical Meditation" Descartes


D "The monarch on" Machiavelli "Leviathan" Hobbes "Government" Locke "Human nature" Hume "Philosophical Dictionary" "Metaphysics" Voltaire "Social contract theory" On the origin and foundation of human inequality "Rousseau


E "The Critique of Pure Reason" "Critique of Practical Reason" Kant "Logic" "Small Logic" "Aesthetics" "Phenomenology of Philosophy" "Philosophy of Law" "Philosophy of History" "Natural Philosophy"



G "as the will of the world" Schopenhauer "the birth of the tragedy," "the right to" "Zarathusra said," "human nature, too human" Nietzsche


"The existence and the nothingness" Sartre "the philosophical question" Russell "the philosophy grammar" "the logical philosophy" "the culture and the value" Wittgenstein "existence and the time" "on the nature of truth" Heidegger

Copernicus, Polish astronomer, heliocentric founder. Copernicus's greatest achievement in science was the creation of the sun-centered theory of geodesy, which denies the geocentric theory of geocentricness that has ruled the West for more than a thousand years.

Copernicus founded the heliocentric, said the famous "celestial operation theory" published, not only a great revolution in astronomy, and promote the rapid development of astronomy research, and caused a major innovation in human cosmology,

Galileo, born 15 February 1564 in Pisa, northwest Italy.

Isaac Newton (Isaac Newton, 1643-1727)

British famous physicist, mathematician and astronomer, is the seventeenth century the greatest master of science

Newton's life contribution to the cause of science, in physics, mathematics and astronomy and other fields. The most important achievements in physics, is the creation of the basic system of classical mechanics, resulting in the history of physics for the first time a large synthesis. For optics, Newton has also made a significant contribution to the study of the color of light and the nature of light. Newton in mathematics, summed up and developed the work of predecessors, put forward the "flow method", the establishment of the binomial theorem, the creation of the calculus. In astronomy, Newton discovered the law of universal gravitation, created a reflective telescope, and with it a preliminary observation of the laws of planetary motion.


Michael Faraday (1791)

In 1831 Faraday discovered the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction, which played a significant role in physics. In 1834 he studied the chemical changes in the current through the solution, proposed the Faraday's law of electrolysis.


Faraday's main contribution is a relatively systematic experimental study of electromagnetism, found the electromagnetic induction phenomenon, summed up the law of electromagnetic induction; invented the history of the first electromagnetism motor and generator; found the electrolytic law; proposed electric field, magnetic field Key Concepts. Faraday was the greatest experimentator in the nineteenth century electromagnetic field.

Charles Darwin (1809-1882)

Darwin was born in February 12, 1809, died in April 19, 1882, at the age of 73 years. He was one of the greatest scientists of the nineteenth century, the scientist of the evolutionary theory of biological species.

The publication of "Origin of Species" is a great event of world significance. It starts from rich facts, demonstrates the scientific nature of biological evolution, and provides a reasonable explanation of the mechanism of biological evolution.

Thomas Alva Edison (1847 ~ 1931)

Edison is a world-famous inventor. In addition to his phonograph, electric light, telephone, telegraph, film and other aspects of the invention and contribution in the mining, construction, chemical and other fields there are many well-known creation and insights. Edison's life a total of about two thousand invention, for human civilization and progress made great contribution.

Sigmund Freud (Sigmund Freud, 1856 ~ 1939)

Freud, an Austrian psychologist of Jewish origin, is the founder of psychoanalysis

Freud's influence is far beyond the professional academic field, and became one of the few in the 20th century has a worldwide popularity of one of the characters. Freud, with his discovery of the human spirit and behavior, is not only the subject of almost all the humanities and spirits of psychology, philosophy, history, anthropology, sociology, political science, aesthetics and so on. But also to contemporary people on the self and the world of knowledge, understanding and daily life style and values ​​have had epoch-making influence.

Max Planck (1858 ~ 1947)

Planck, the great modern German physicist, the founder of quantum theory. Planck's most important achievement in physics was to propose the famous Planckian radiation formula and to create the concept of energy quantum. He found that in order to derive the correct radiation formula theoretically, it must be assumed that the energy of the radiation (or absorption) of matter is not continuous, but is carried out in part by an integer multiple of a certain minimum. This minimum value is called the energy quantum, radiation frequency is the minimum value of energy ν = hν. Which h, Planck was to)

Albert Einstein (Albert Einstein, 1879 ~ 1955)

Einstein, the 20th century's greatest American-German natural scientist, the standard-bearer of the physics revolution. In 1905, Einstein made the epoch-making contribution: the theory of photon molecular motion to solve the half a century to the scientific community and the philosophical debate over the existence of atomic atoms have made outstanding contributions to the creation of special theory of relativity, integrity (M) and energy (E): E = mc2, and thus explained the radioactive elements (such as the radioactive elements, such as the radioactive elements, Radium) it can release a lot of energy reasons. The equivalence of mass and energy is the theoretical basis of nuclear physics and particle physics, and opens the way for the release and utilization of nuclear energy.

After the establishment of the special theory of relativity Einstein was not satisfied, and finally he in 1907 proposed the equivalent principle, after a tortuous exploration finally completed in 1915 was recognized as one of the greatest achievements in human history of general theory of relativity.

- Aristotle (A.D.384 ~ A.D.322)



1 Sir Isaac Newton Newton is an English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher and alchemist. In 1687 he published the paper "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy", the gravitation and the three major laws of motion were described. These descriptions lay the scientific view of the physical world over the next three centuries and form the basis of modern engineering.


Shakespeare (UK)


The representative of Western literature.


Homer (Greece)


The origin of European literature, Homer's epic created a precedent for Western literature.

The Book of Songs

Tang Xianzu Peony Pavilion (China)

Tolstoy (Russia)


The world 's greatest novelist, critical of realism literature peak.


Dante (Italy)


The pioneer of humanistic literature, the founder of modern Italian, the European Renaissance pioneer.



Hugo (France)


The founder and outstanding representative of the French romantic literature, literary Napoleon.


, Goethe (Germany)


German national literature, the most outstanding representative of the German literature and even the development of European literature have made tremendous contributions.


India's modern and modern greatest writer and artist, the first won the Nobel Prize for literature in Asia.

- Genghis Khan. The conquerors of the ancient world, to create a giant empire of the giant. -, --Caesar. The most influential politician and strategist of ancient Europe. - Napoleon. The First Empire of France, the great strategist, politician. --King Alexander. The great Macedonian conqueror, the world famous military strategist, politician. - Bismarck. The founder of the German Empire, the creator, the great statesman. - Washington. The founder of the United States of America, the great statesman, and so on. The United States, Russia, China, India, Europe, South America, Arabia, Africa, also a lot of this do not repeat them. They have on the world history of human history had a significant impact, can not be underestimated.




Former 3500 - Top 500) Mathematical Origin and Early Development: Ancient Egyptian Mathematics, Mesopotamia (Babylonian) Mathematics



2 (before the 600-5 century) Ancient Greek mathematics: the origin of mathematical proof, European geometry



3 (3rd - 14th century) Medieval Chinese mathematics, Indian mathematics, Arabic mathematics: the glory of practical mathematics



4 (12 century -17 century) the rise of modern mathematics: the development of algebra, analytic geometry was born



5 (14th century - 18th century) the establishment of calculus: Newton and Leibniz's calculus establishment



6 (18th century -19th century) Analysis of the era: the application of calculus in various fields



7 (nineteenth century) Algebraic freshmen: abstract algebra generation (modern algebra)



8 (19th Century) Geometrical Change: Non-Euclidean Geometry



9 (nineteenth Century) Analysis of the tightening: calculus based on the tightening

The world's three major religions and the Bible, the Buddhist scriptures, the Koran.

Max Müller's Introduction to Religion (1870)


Max Muller, "The Origin and Development of Religion" (1878)

William James "Various Religious Experiences" (1902)

Max Weber's Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (1904-1905)

Levi-Bouillard's "Primitive Thinking" (1910-1922)

Emile Durkheim "The Basic Form of Religious Life" (1912)

Sigmund Freud "Totem and Taboo" (1913)

Max Scheler "The Order of Love" (1913-1917)

Max Weber's Confucianism and Taoism (1915)

Rudolph Otto "On the Sacred" (1917) Ernst Cassirer "Mythic Thinking" (1925)

Malinowski's "Witchcraft, Science, Religion and Mythology" (1925-1926)

William Schmidt's Primitive Religion and Mythology (1930)

Henry Bergson's "Two Sources of Morality and Religion" (1932)

Van de Leu "The Nature and Form of Religion" (1933)

Lev Shostov, Athens and Jerusalem: The Philosophy of Religion (1938)

Sigmund Freud "Moses and Monotheism" (1939)

Misha Eliade "The Universe and History" (1949)

Ehrlich Flåm "Psychoanalysis and Religion" (1950)

Radcliffe Brown, "The Structure and Function of Primitive Society" (1952)

Misha Eliade "Divine and Secular" (1957)

Christopher Dawson "The Rise of Religion and Western Culture" (1958)

Joachim Wahar, Comparative Religious Studies (1928)

John Hick's Philosophy of Religion (1963)

Evans Pritchard's Theories of Primitive Religions (1965)

Peter Berger's "Sacred Veil - Elements of the Theory of Religious Sociology" (1967)

Peter Berger "Angels' Rumors - The Rediscovery of Modern Society and Supernaturalism" (1969)

Robert N. Bella "Beyond the Faith: Religious Studies in the Post-traditional World" (1970)

Inge's "Scientific Study of Religion" (1970)

R · Ruka "The Rise of Religion and Modern Science" (1973)

Eric J. Sharp's A History of Comparative Religious Studies (1975)

John Macquarie "20th Century Religious Thought - The Philosophical and theological Edge of 1900-1980" (1981)

Rezik Kolakowski "Religion: Without God ..." (1982)

Ronald L. Johnstone, Religion in Society: A Religious Sociology (1983)

Strom "Understanding Man and God - Religious Life" (1985)

Brown "Religious Psychology" (1987)

Dunne Carmody's Women and the World Religions (1989)

Gary W. Trump 'Exploring the Origin of Religion' (1990)

Karl Barth "Church Doctrine" (1932) Paul Tillich "Cultural Theology" (1959)

John Macquarie "Talking about God" (1967)

Hans Queens "On Christians" (1974)

Little John Cobb, David Griffin "Process Theology: A Guiding Note" (1976)

J · B · Mertz "Faith in History and Society" (1977)



Asian East and European development is different, such as the ancient Chinese philosophers, the history of China and the development of Asian countries have a considerable impact. Including philosophy, culture, religion, thought and so on. The hundreds of philosophers are the concentrated reflections of the most important cultural thoughts in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period. First, Confucianism:


Representative: Confucius, Mencius, Xunzi.


Works: "The Analects", "Mencius", "Xunzi"




Confucianism is one of the important schools in the Warring States period. Confucius was regarded as a teacher in the Spring and Autumn Period, and the Six Arts as the law, advocating "ritual" and "benevolence", advocating "loyalty" and impartial " Moral "and" benevolence ", and attach importance to moral and moral education and self-cultivation of an academic faction. Second, the Taoist:


Representative: I, Zhuangzi, Liezi. Works: "Tao Te Ching", "Zhuang Zi", "Lie Zi"


Taoism is one of the important schools of the Warring States period, also known as "moralists". This school regards the doctrine of "Tao" as the theoretical foundation of the Spring and Autumn Period, and explains the essence, the origin, the composition and the change of all things in the universe with "Tao". That God inaction, everything natural metaplasia, deny that God spirits dominate all, advocating natural law, go with the flow, to promote quiet and inaction, Shou keep soft to soft grams just. Political ideal is "small country", "inaction". After Lao Tzu, the Taoism was divided into different schools. There were four famous schools: Zhuangzi School, Yangzhu School, Songyin School and Huanglao School.


Third, the Mohist:


Representative: Mozi. Works: "Mozi"


Mohist school is one of the important schools of the Warring States period, the founder of Mo Di. The school of "and love each other," as the basis of doctrine: and, as the person as himself; and love, that love as yourself. "The world and love", you can achieve "cross-phase" purposes. Political advocates Shangxian, Shang Tong and non-attack; economic advocate Zhang strong this section; thought to respect the ghost.


Fourth, Legalists:


Representative: Han Fei, Li Si, Shang Yang. Works: "Han Fei Zi"


Legalism is one of the important schools of the Warring States period, because advocated the rule of law, "not pro-Shu, not special cheap Han Fei, a break in the law", so called Legalists. During the Spring and Autumn Period, Guan Zhong and his son were the forerunners of Legalism. The early Warring States period, Li, Shang Yang, Shen does not harm, Shen to create a legal school. To the end of the Warring States Period, Han Fei integrated the "law" of Shang Yang, the "potential" of "Shen" and the "technique" of applying for harmlessness, and the great achievement of Legalism. This school, the economic advocate waste field, agriculture and business, reward farming battle; politically advocated waste separation, set county, monarchy, the use of force, to strict punishment law; rule and education, then advocate Ban the philosophers doctrine to the law to teach, to officials as teachers. The doctrine provides the theoretical basis and action plan for the establishment of the monarchical monarchy.


Five, famous:


Representatives: Deng analysis, Hui Shi, Gongsun Long and Huan group.


Works: "Gongsun Longzi"


Masters of the Warring States period is one of the important schools, engaged in the debate name (name, concept) real (fact, reality) as the main academic activities and later known as famous. At that time, people referred to as the "defender", "Chasi" or "criminal (shaped) masters." Representatives for the benefits and Gongsun Long.


Six, Yin and Yang:


Representative: Zou Yan


The yin and yang family is one of the important schools of the Warring States period, because to promote the theory of yin and yang, and use it to explain the social personnel named. Seven, strategists: Representative: Su Qin, Zhang Yi. Founder: Guiguzi. The main rhetoric in the "Warring States"


The strategist was the advisor of the political and diplomatic activities in China during the Warring States Period. As one of the hundreds of philosophers. The main representative is Su Qin, Zhang Yi and so on. In the Warring States Period, the south and the north were combined vertically and the west and the east became the cross. The Soviet Union, the Qin, the Han, the Wei, the Qi and the Ch'ing combined to deny Qin and Zhang Yi, Thus the name of the vertical and horizontal. Eight, miscellaneous:


Representative: Lu Pu-wei


Miscellaneous is the end of the Warring States period comprehensive school.


Nine, farm:


Farming is one of the important schools of the Warring States period. Due to focus on agricultural production and named. This sent from the ancient management of agricultural production officials. They believe that agriculture is the basis of food and clothing, should be placed in all the work of the first. "Mencius." Teng Wen-kung "on the promise of its people," as the words of Shen Nong,


Ten, novelist:


Novelist, one of the ten pre-Qin Jiu Liu, is collecting folk legend talk, to examine the customs of the people. Eleven, military strategist. The key point of the military is to guide the war, in the use of force to achieve the purpose, how to use force. Sun Wu is the founder, the military is divided into military power to seek home, soldiers situation home, soldiers, soldiers and soldiers home four categories of skills. Warring States Sun Bin, Wu Qi, Wei Liao, Wei Wuji, white from the other. The present military books have "the Yellow Emperor Yin Fu Jing", "six Tao", "three slightly", "Art of War", "Sima", "Sun Bin art", "Wu Zi", "Wei Liao son. Although there are similarities and differences in various theories, which contains a wealth of simple materialist and dialectical factors. Twelve, doctors:


Representative: Bian Que


The formation of Chinese medical theory, in the second half of the fifth century BC to the third century AD, a total of more than 700 years. The second half of the fifth century BC, China began to enter the feudal society. From the slave society to the feudal society, to the feudal system to establish, in Chinese history is a big turbulence period. Changes in the social system, the promotion of economic development, ideology, science and culture has emerged in the field of new situations, including the development of medicine. Physician refers to all medical practitioners. Here the ancient Chinese philosophers of the hundred, for the study of ancient Chinese cultural thought and other reference. Books such as Confucius, Mencius, Sun Tzu, and others can be read. A comparative study of the West and the East is helpful. Ancient India, Babylon, ancient Egypt, ancient Rome, ancient Greece, and so have their own highlights, the reader can read the history of the world, such as the world civilization and masterpiece.



Philosophy and social sciences and natural science books, many people need to read the study. Human spiritual wealth, intangible cultural heritage tens of thousands, regardless of Eastern and Western all. Books for thousands of years the most important spiritual products of mankind, to spread. Book is the crystallization of human wisdom, including modern types of electronic products, e-books, e-newspapers, electronic libraries, etc., are priceless. Electronic books and paper books and other, are the spiritual and cultural life of mankind indispensable, the new media in the 21st century new carrier of new physical storage technology increasingly shows its huge irreplaceable advantage. For example, e-book archives, heritage collections, library collections, archival collections, electronic physical storage compared to the chemical storage of great features and great advantages. Ancient books of the physical storage, the world's important documents and documents, the world famous handwriting, image data storage, physical electronic permanent preservation is very important. The United States Library, the United Nations Library, the Beijing Library, the Russian Library, the British Library, and the World eBook Library https: //archive.org, worldlibrary.net, http://www.memoryoftheworld.org/, andelibrary.worldbank .org /, http://etext.library.adelaide.edu.au http: //dlc.dlib.indiana.edu, http: //www.refdesk.com/factelec.html, http://digital.library .upenn.edu / books, http: //ota.ahds.ac.uk, http: //www.bibliopolis.fr, and so on. Electronic libraries, tens of thousands of archives, readers can find the relevant website.



  We fully affirm the great influence of people or time in world history, especially the indelible world non-cultural heritage left to mankind. In addition to world history, there are still many puzzles in the field of natural science waiting for us to analyze mining research. E.g:

  1. What constitutes the universe? Astronomers believe that the substances that make up stars, planets, galaxies, and of course us, or ordinary matter, account for less than 5 percent of the total mass of the universe. They estimate that an additional 25% of dark matter may be composed of undiscovered particles. The remaining 70%? Astronomers believe that it may be dark energy - the power of the universe to accelerate expansion. What is the nature of dark matter and dark energy? 2. Are we unique in the universe? 3, the laws of physics can be unified? Super accelerator crushed protons: These phenomena represent the nature of the role of the four basic forces, that is, gravity, electromagnetic force, weak force and strength. All the physical phenomena in the universe can be explained by these four basic forces. Quantum theory has been born for more than 100 years, it produces a convincing application of the results, but it also brings anti-antiquity, Intuition: The uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics states that we can not simultaneously obtain one accurately


An important formula for the natural sciences:


The Length of the Circumference of a Circle












  The Fourier Transform







  The de Broglie Relations









  The Schrödinger Equation





  Mass-energy Equivalence









  Newton's Second Law of Motion








  Euler's Identity




The Maxwell’s Equations







  The Maxwell's Equations, molecular orbital theory, D'Alembert's principle,etc. The Big Bang theory is based on studies by Edwin Hubble, Georges Lemaitre, and Albert Einstein, who assume that the universe originated at 14 billion years Before a big bang. At first, the universe was confined to a singularity, which contained all matter in the universe. Since then, the universe has been expanding outward expansion, until now as well.


The Hubble Universe Expansion Law

Law of universal gravitation

The law of thermodynamics

Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, Pythagorean theorem

The presence of microorganisms

Three major laws of motion

The structure of matter

blood circulation


Species evolution


Four Laws of Thermodynamics

Wave - particle duality of light , and so  on.

The greatest inventions in human history include: fire, text, paper, printing, electricity, steam, plastics, smelting, antibiotics, airplanes, cars, cement, tubes, rockets, spacecraft, atomic energy, internet, genetic technology and more.


The momentum and position of an object. Whereas the nonlocalization causes the entangled states of two particles in a quantum entangled state to collide simultaneously, regardless of how far they are. 5, how far we can advance chemical self-assembly. 6, what is the biological basis of consciousness? Such a lot of scientific research problems, worthy of world attention and scientists to solve the puzzle. Scientific research and scientific discovery is gradually in-depth decipher, can not be accomplished overnight. Natural scientists are not super-super-God, but also the need for sustained research and exploration, and even failed to explore, before gradually deepening the solution. Such as Mars research, Mars landing, Jupiter satellite research, Saturn, Mercury, Venus and other detection research, solar system research, the Milky Way exploration research, the total galaxy outside the study, the study of the main galaxies, Cosmic physics, cosmochemistry, and so very extensive in-depth detection research. The kind of man-made wisdom of super-men, it is somewhat too naive and too shallow. The whole face of the universe untied is not a day. In particular, natural science research and discovery, and philosophy, culture, religion and other very different, need tens of millions of experimental experiments and factual verification test. Pure natural science research is any other discipline can not replace the sharp study. Scientists can only use facts to speak. Therefore, a very difficult time course is required. The world - the human - nature - the universe - the history - the material world tens of thousands of billions of years of history, first of all the natural material universe, followed by tens of thousands of species and life, especially the advanced wisdom of life - the evolution of human evolution and evolution. Humanity - the great Holy Spirit of great wisdom, conforms to the natural history and at the same time naturally and inevitably creates and changes itself and snuggles the environment and history. As noted above, the great works of the world, the world's major discoveries and inventions, the world's greatest philosophical works and literary works, and so on, is proof. The new world, the new universe has been or is about to unfold in front of all mankind. Earth revolution, the universe revolution, the natural revolution, is the greatest game of mankind and the universe. First of all, human beings are the products of the natural universe, so, adapt to and adapt to the basic principles of the natural universe to survive, otherwise, must self-destruction. Second, the human and the universe of the game from a fundamental understanding, and can not chance. However, under certain conditions, perhaps have their own unique survival and development space. The following description is not purely natural philosophical terms, many of which are purely natural science law of the properties and properties of theorem, so marked with theorem, (basically based on natural science original law of natural science law or axiom) quoted, need to double seriously Thinking and scientific interpretation. 【


10 theorem of natural law "(10 law theorem), Natural Science 10 Law of theorem "(10 law theorem), mainly based on the progress of natural science and in-depth study of a variety of theoretical academic, including hypothesis, theorem. For the interested readers and professionals to exchange research, especially the new theoretical academic innovation research and so on.

】 Law Theorem 1 Super-spin Hyper-spin Hyper-spin structure of the super-spin Hypercyclization to build the entire universe of superconversion The origin of the universe, the origin of particles and super particles of the original physical structure and chemical structure ■ Theorem 2 . The movement of matter Super-rotation of the rotating force of the law of gravity and quantum mechanics Theorem 3. Homogeneity and heterogeneity of the universe The basic theorem Universe bounded or unbounded Universe finite and infinite space-time inverted easy to model Big Bang, steady state, Non-constant, multiverse law of the universe The origin of the universe The end of the universe The origin of matter and material destruction The transformation of matter The polarization of the material Polarization of the planet Polarization of the species Polarization of the law Theorem 5 Jupiter center distance theorem In the solar system, the central role of Jupiter and the significance of maintaining the solar system to build the rotation of the Earth's human production stability of the major law of the associated theorem 6. Substance transformation of the substance of the immortal theorem of matter and species of convergence and divergence of life and species - material gene Evolution of supercyclines and evolution of supergenes Evolution of life or species laws other than total galaxies 7. The near-Earth biosphere structure The diversity of the Earth, Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury, and Saturn and the specificity and necessity of high-level intelligent life species And the law of chance law 8. human evolution of the hybrid orbit natural universe existence and destruction of human species exist in the law of the law of destruction theorem 9. the end of the universe the end of the natural end of the material end of the species of advanced life animals and intelligent animals 1 million 10 million years of the natural world and the human social model and alienation law Theorem 10. Planet society basic model and the future of the earth human society Earth Society Mars Society Jupiter Satellite Milky Way Other Planet Society Planet Society Ground State (1 million years - ---------- 10 million years -------?) 10 law theorem covers the entire natural universe and the basic history of mankind the most important nature of the most important areas and broad bounds, from From the real to the future, the time span of millions of years ----- tens of millions of years, the space span, first in the earth, followed by the moon, Mars, Jupiter satellite, followed by other planets and livable Of the planet, and finally the galaxy beyond the solar system, hundreds of billions of light years. The natural scientist is far more profound than the philosopher, the thinker, the politician, the historian, and the religious scientist, because only in this way is his academic and theoretical invincibility not to be defeated by today or future Destroyed by overthrow. Even if future generations have been amended, but the basic principles will not be subverted. Otherwise, the scientific law of the law of scientific discovery will become misleading the world and human absurdity or nonsense, and gradually become the history of garbage is swept away the tomb of history. Imagine, after a few hundred years, thousands of years, tens of thousands of years later, or a few million years later, the outline of the natural universe, the survival mode of human society, life mode, how? This is not nonsense, is not a yin and yang gossip fortune telling deduction, but the natural reality, the real world of the human world and realistic picture, but not the myth of science fiction story. Modern humans began to enter the moon into Mars into other planets, just around the corner. Outside the mountains, there are mountains outside the world, there are the world outside the world, there are natural universe, human rational thinking, logical thinking, wisdom, thinking should be a great purification and generalization, rigidly cramped in a small overcrowded earth Inevitably narrow vomiting, open your heart, open wings, fly to the distant space, will have a revolutionary subversive future. To sum up, the history of the world and the history of the universe is very long, complex, sharp and deep, human beings are still in childish childhood. Although human beings have entered the eve of the planet society, but all the wisdom of human energy is still not fully able to play due to the inevitable nature of nature and social attributes of the limited, still in a certain ignorance and naive state, regardless of social science or The field of natural science, especially the great variety of human social practice, is still very shallow and naive. This long process of progress may take centuries hundreds of centuries of over-difficult, or even h1000 years later the moon and Mars, and the 21st century is very different. 1000 years later, that is 3000 years later, the Moon and Mars will have the Earth human migration, as the moon and Mars. The specific timetable is subject to change or decision. But to be sure, 1000 years later, the moon, Mars or other planets will appear in human life, the number of more or less, perhaps thousands of tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands, the specific figures will be known. Of course, the timetable and the road map are not conclusive and vary according to actual developments. However, the planet society ------- the real sense of the universe revolution will be opened. Heaven and earth to reverse, the universe changes, the universe revolution - nature as a big revolution will begin. No matter how the natural universe in the future changes, or continuation or destruction, human society will continue to expand the planet society - the universe revolution of the thrilling series. In the course of the natural history of mankind, there is only forward, no inversion, irreversible nature and inevitable procedure, even if the whole universe collapses or is destroyed. This is the natural science - the basic principles of natural philosophy.undreds of thousands of years of over-maturity of millions of years. Of course, mankind not only to their own structural defects of the game, at the same time, but also the most powerful natural universe, tenacious game, otherwise, he will be difficult to coexist with nature. Mankind is always the product of the natural universe, to be dependent on the natural universe, human society can exist. Otherwise, everything that we nowadays, noble or despicable, rich or poor, romantic or passionate, regardless of battle or killing, will come to naught. This major proposition has become increasingly acute in front of all mankind. Therefore, the natural law of the ten major law theorem, and we resonate.




The Sun of Mars (Poetry) / Fangruida

The Sun of Mars (Poetry) / Fangruida


Standing on the golden land

Our hearts are full of passion and hope

The vast plain

Towering hills

Rich and beautiful, boundless

All silence, how quiet, how serene

Come to your side

Bathed in the sun's rays



Overlooking the distant land

The ear seems to play the universal singing

The vast plains

Stands the hill

Rich and beautiful, boundless

Golden pastoral, how spectacular, how brilliant

We are there for you

The joy flies like a bird



Overlooking the blue planet

Deep boundless ocean

The vast land

Pretty hills

Rich and beautiful, boundless

Lovely home, how wonderful, how prosperous

We were born in your arms

Happiness, affluence, enthusiasm, hope


Mars, Golden Land,

Dust in the waves here

Not illusory

Not a confused fantasy

Rich and beautiful, very broad

Magnificent scenery, how warm, how stirring

We're snuggling around you

The finest paradise on earth


Standing on the land of Mars

Looking back on the good times of freedom and happiness

All the way

Pixing Dai months

From the Earth

Set sail from the moon

Through the stars and clouds filled the sky

We fly, we are in the interstellar voyage

Ah, the golden god of war,

Come to your side

Let the wisdom of the free and happy flowers forever fragrant


Standing on the golden land

Heart full of joy and hope

The golden sun rises

The world dyed 10,000 rays.

Alpine, canyon, plain, crater, riverbed

Magnificent as unforgettable hometown

We walk in the vast land

Shuttle shuttle ships coming and going

Mercedes-Benz in the interstellar, Mercedes-Benz in heaven

Benz in the universe the most remote place


We headed toward the moon

We are heading toward the paradise of freedom

Here the bounds, here wide

Here quiet, plump here

There is no loneliness here

There is no desolation here

Nature belongs to man, and freedom belongs to heaven

Olympus High Mountains, Sailors Grand Canyon, Tulsis Plateau -----

Ah, beautiful and rich planet

You are always brilliant

Always brilliant

Beautiful and rich planet

You are always brilliant

Always brilliant


************************************************** ************************************************** ************************************************** ************************************** 8 {Description: Fangruida free poetry, made in 2007 August. Network works. Formerly known as "the song of Mars", later changed to "Mars of the sun." Poetry can not only chant, and can compose song. Now the lyrics translated a variety of text. The original as a free poem, after the proposal was sung as a song, Fang Ruida had this music. Is published in poetry lyrics, musical compositions follow or after)).